Chapter 3: The End again?

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They both look at the outside to see what all the commotion is about. The beautiful blue sky is now a fire red with a blazing sun beaming down. Tiny meteorites were falling from the sky. Satan can be seen smashing and stepping on buildings. There is so much going on that not even Crowley and Aziraphale can process it.

"God seriously wants Armageddon." Crowley said.

"I don't think this is God. She wouldn't do it this far. This must be Archangel Micheal or Metatron's doing."

"Are you sure Aziraphale because how in the hell could they do this. Only God could do this mess!"

"Right. But if this was God, it would already be done and gone. They don't like anyone to suffer. We save the world once, and we can do it again." Azira said while he paced back and forth.

"Angel," Crowley said, then sighs. "I'm not trying to be rude, but last time, there was no hot ball of fire beaming down on us. If we wish to get out of here alive, we need to go to Alpha Centauri."

"What?" Aziraphale says, confused. "Why? Why can't we save the world again? Huh?" He sounded a little angry.

Crowley just looked at the ground and sighed. "All right. We can try, but if we can not save it, we must leave. Let's at least try to talk things out with Heaven or ask God to stop it. Okay, angel?" He says while holding Aziraphale's hands.

The angel nods, and they share a kiss before going to the heaven elevator.

"Wait. How will you get up? Demons aren't allowed. It'll kill you, dear."

"Don't worry. I've been up before. Muriel helped me, I think. Can't recall how I got up, but I just did." He said as he shrugged.

Aziraphale gave him a mocking smile and held his hand tight.

Oh, I hope he'll be alright. I can't lose him again. Never again, Crowley. Aziraphale thought. He was so scared that his foot started to tap a lot.

"Hey, you alright, hon? What's the matter?" Crowley said. He looked at Azira with sadness for him, and he put his hands on Azira's shoulders.

"What?" Azira asked. He was lost in thought he couldn't hear Crowley.

"What wrong, Angel?" You know you can tell me."

"I'm- just scared what the Angels will do to him if they see you.

"Hey." Crowley said, then put his hands on Azira's cheeks. "Everything is going to be just fine." Crowley then kisses him passionately, and then after a short while, the elevator finally reaches heaven.

Both of their faces were filled with worried and were just nothing but scared. Once the door opened, they held hands tightly just in case things got bad. They stepped out of the elevator, and Archangel Micheal was at her desk. She looked like she was in distress and was looking around the room with fear.

"Oh, my, gosh..... What in the devil are you two doing here?!!" Micheal says with anger.

"We were both wondering what the hell is going on on Earth?! We believe that either you," Crowley says, then points to Micheal. "Or God has something to do with it."

"Alright. You want to know, huh? I did it. I made Armageddon on Earth, and I hope it burns to the ground! I am so sick and tired of God wasting their time and keeping humanity alive! There is no point in keeping the planet or the humans alive! And now, God is after me  and the other Archangels and is out trying to get us. I am the only one left that hasn't fallen yet. I hope you fall too, Aziraphale. You deserve it after you abandon your own kind for a low-life demon." Micheal yells at the two. She then runs off to go hide, but God finds her, and they see a black circle under Micheal, and she falls to the abyss.

Both are in shock of what they just witnessed and are actually terrified of what Micheal said.  They see the Earth hologram and see what is happening everywhere. The oceans are dried up. Antarctica, the North pole, and Greenland have completely melted and dried up. Every country is on fire. They have no words on what to even think of.

"What are we going to do, Crowley? How do we stop this hellish madness?

Crowley cupped his hands to Aziraphales face. He looks at him and.........

Words: 751

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