Chapter 2: Dinning at the Ritz

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~The next morning~

Both of them were sound asleep in Crowley's bed from the night before. It was around 4:30 am. when Crowley woke up and Azira was still asleep. He looked at the clock to see the time then, looked up to see the outside, and it was still pitch black. He groaned at the sight of it and tried to go back to sleep. He got closer to Azira but was slow enough not to wake up the angel. He managed to get back asleep around 5-ish.

Azira wakes up around 8, but he forgot last night's meeting and was startled seeing Crowley asleep cuddled with him. The radio started to play "Good old fashioned lover boy."

~When I'm not with you, think of you always~


~Dining at the Ritz, we'll meet at nine~

Azira blushes as the words play and turns to face Crowley and bury his face in Crowley's bare chest. Crowley slowly wakes up and smiles at Azira and chuckles.

"Oh, it's alright, angel."

Azira shivers as Crowley says angel in that tone. Crowley runs his fingers through Azira's hair and smiles. Azira blushes and pulls the covers over his face. He thinks he's such a mess, but Crowley kisses him for reassurance. It's close to a minute before Crowley pulls away.

"I have an idea angel, let's get dressed, and we'll go to the Ritz for breakfast. Then we can just hang out in the park. Alright?

Azira nods in agreement and gets out of bed.

"I'll be in the shower if you need me..." He says shyly.

Crowley nods and gets his normal outfit on, combs his hair, and puts in a half up pony, half down. He puts his glasses on but quickly takes them off because he's not afraid when he's around Azira anymore.

~10 minutes later~

Azira gets out of the shower, and he gets ready himself. He puts on his normal outfit as well and runs his fingers through his hair to mess it up. He puts on his bowtie and smiles in the mirror as he finishes.

"You ready, dear?" Azira says sweetly.

Crowley blushes slightly as the word "dear" falls out, and he nods. "Shall we?" He says as he offers his hand for Azira to hold. Azira takes it, and they walk to the Bently. The same song from the radio is playing, and Azira looks at Crowley with just sweetness the whole drive. It's roughly 9 when they get there.

They arrive at the Ritz, and they wine and dine for a good long while.

"To" Azira pauses. "Us."

"To us."

They clunk their glasses, and they just have they best times of their lives.... (for now)

In heaven

"What are we going to do now!" Micheal says. "We have no Supreme Archangel, Metatron is completely wasted, and Gabriel and Aziraphale are nowhere to be found on Earth. How are we going to do the second coming!!"

"Just calm down, Micheal." Uriel pauses. "Why don't you be Supreme. You're the next in line, basically."

"Now that is true. But that's up to God. It's her choice."

"Do you think that God chose for Aziraphale and Crowley to stop Armageddon?"

"Of course not." Micheal exclaims. "Why don't we just go the second coming ourselves? If God won't, they'll we will." She grins.

God's P.O.V

So that's how you wanna play, heh? Fine, but just you wait. I have something in store for you "Angels".

Third person

"I will pay the bill. You taste the wine.
Driving back in style, in my saloon, will do quite nicely. Just take me back to yours, that will be fine." Crowley grins.

"Was that a Queen reference, dear?"

"As a matter of fact, it was. But you liked it." He smiles.

Azira smiles back. They pay the bill and walk out to the Bently, hand in hand, and drive to the park. They find a bench, and they both sit like they normally do except for Crowley. He slowly moves himself, so his head is on Azira's lap. They smile at each other and are just glad that they have each other.

~Back at the bookshop~

Well, that was a splendid afternoon dear, Crowley. Thank you so very much."

"Just happy to be of service angel." Crowley kisses his hand.

They start to feel the ground shake......

The looks that they give one another is just worry for the other.

What is going on? They both think.

A/N: Credits to Queen and Tomi Amos for the songs. I am so thankful for Grammerly bc I would have SO many errors in this. 😅

Words: 778

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