Chapter Eleven

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"I do not know what you are talking about."

"Mmhm, sure."

As Neo walked out of the closet and Patrick wrapped his arms around the other boy.

"We can still go get breakfast."

"I am not hungry."

"Shh, you will be." Patrick walked towards the bedroom door and opened it. He motioned for Neo to follow. Neo observed the house as they walked down the hall. Each door was a red wood with a gold engraving. Some engravings had names while others had what the room was. The bathrooms had a white engraving. Some of the bedroom doors were open, they looked like the dormitory rooms but bigger. The floors appeared to have an onxy navy blue marble theme, while the walls were white.

Neo kept up with Patrick as they walked to the kitchen. The staircase was huge. The marble from the hallways appeared on the stairs. Neo was shocked. The width of the stairs could probably fit four people next to one another and they could walk up together. Neo looked down and realized that the staircase was a spiral. Once at the bottom, Neo was able to count four floors, including ground floor. The foyer they were currently standing in was massive. The floor was a lighter version of the marble, and the walls were still white. Archways allowed the rooms and the halls to appear massive. Well, more massive than they are. Neo was shocked. Golden light fixtures everywhere and portraits of people in specialized areas.

Neo looked to the left and glanced down the hall. He saw what looked like offices and a library. He looked to the right and saw a kitchen, a part of the dining room, and a couch. He assumed the couch was probably one of the many couches that resided in the living room. He also spotted the room where he was taken into last night. Neo started to walk down the hall. He examined the house. He has never been in a house this huge. Patrick furred his brows before he followed Neo. Neo guided his hand along the wall before he stopped at the door. He placed his hand on the doorknob.

"What are you doing?" Patrick asked while he stood behind Neo.

"I want to go in." Neo turned the handle and walked in. He looked around before he stopped in his tracks. He stared at a figure who was sitting at the main desk. He looked like Patrick, but older, stronger, wiser. The figure looked up and then stood up. He walked to the other side of his desk.

"Hello father." Patrick said while entering the room. The figure nodded and smiled. The two men hugged, and the father looked back at Neo.

"Who is this?"

"This is Neo. The one I said will be with me for the night."

"Hello Neo." Patrick's Father said with an authoritative tone. Neo kept his head down and his hands inside his pocket. Neo was terrified. Last time he was placed in front of an alpha, he lost his family.

"Hello... sir." Patrick laughed before he placed his hand on Neo's shoulder. Neo visibly jumped.

"Neo, no need to be so formal. Call me Alex."

"Yes... Alex."

"There you go. Your scent is very peculiar. What tribe are you with?" Neo enjoyed Alex's voice. It was gruffy, baritone, rough. It reminded him of Patrick due to Patrick also having an authoritarian, but seductive tone. Neo was not paying attention.


"What tribe are you apart of?"

"Oh... uh... I don't have one. Foster care and the lotus tribe that they house was part of does not allow fosters." Alex kept his gaze on Neo. He walked over to Neo. Alex lifted his hand, and then used his hand to lift Neo's head by his chin. Alex met Neos gaze. Alex saw fear within Neo's eyes. Alex also sniffed the air and smiled. He kept his eyes on Neo's as he moved his hand from Neo's chin to Neos hand. He lifted Neo's hand up and kissed the top of it without breaking eye contact. He watched Neo's cheeks go red before Neo broke eye contact. He went to pull his hand back, but Alex kept a firm grasp.

"I want to apologize for what occurred last night. I do not condone that type of behavior. He has been dealt with."

"What do you mean dad?"

"He been placed on farm duty."

"Farm duty!" Patrick laughed.

"For a month."

"Oh wow." Alex kept holding the boy's hand. Patrick looked at his father before looking at Neo. Alex kissed Neos hand again before letting it go. Alex walked back over to his desk and poured himself a drink. Patrick stood behind Neo before he placed his hand back on Neo's shoulder.

"Are you staying for the day Patrick? Your mother would love to see you."

"All up to Neo if he wants to be here for the day."

Alex took a sip of his drink before turning the cup towards the others. Patrick shook his head no and so did Neo. Alex nodded before he took another sip.

"Well... You two go get some food. Show Neo around the house. Before you two leave, come find me." Alex said before he sat back into his chair and went back onto his computer. Patrick followed Neo out and took Neo down the hall towards the kitchen. Neo stayed silent. They walked into the kitchen area and Neo stopped in the doorway. There was fifty or more people sitting at the dining tables. There were about twenty more standing by the buffet-styled food bar. Patrick saw him and walked back to him.

"It is okay Neo. I am here with you." Patrick took Neo by the hand and walked in. It felt like a fever dream because everyone he walked past looked up at him. He kept up with Patrick. Patrick handed him a plate and made him follow the line. Patrick gathered as much food as possible, while Neo grabbed a muffin and cream cheese. He followed Patrick and sat across from him. The people next to Neo looked over and then back at one another. Neo saw Daniel sit next to Patrick.

"Good Semi-morning you two."

"Hello Daniel."


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