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"No you can't stay because that will ruin the surprise" my palms press on Elias' chest as he refuses to leave my doorway. "But I'll be so lonely" he pouts and I huff out a laugh.
"Go see Jake then but you can't stay" I manage to get him outside of the door so I let my hands fall and land on my hips instead.

"You're really not going to miss me?"
"For a couple hours? Maybe a little bit but I think I'll survive" his frown has me caving and I step forward on my tip toes to press a kiss to his lips.
"I'll see you later and if you leave now I'll make it up to you tonight" my words give him a new burst of life as his eyes glisten.
"Now that offer is just irresistible" i hum, lips still hovering over his.

"Good, now go" i peck his lips on last time before returning my heels to the ground. He groans at the lack of physical touch before slowly peeling open his dark eyes. His attire makes it hard for me to make him leave because his tight shirt shows off all of the right muscles and his jeans make him look even more delicious. But I've got kids to dress up and his costume to conceal.

"I'll see you at the party at 9:30 on the dot" I nod, smirking at his bossiness. I'm going to turn up at 9:35 just to annoy him. Keeping my thoughts to myself I watch from my doorway, him getting onto his bike and finally driving off after a longing glance to me. When did we become such a needy couple? I mean we have been spending every waking day, and most nights, together.

Of course the only times I've not spent with him my father has been there to fill the time. Luckily, he hasn't done any serious damage in a while. He did however push me down the basement stairs and lock me in their the entire night, the other day. I had to sleep on the cold, dirty concrete floor although I didn't sleep a wink. I just sat there wishing I was with Elias instead of serving my punishment for being alive. Richard's girlfriend let me out in the morning and I walked straight past her without a mere glance. She doesn't deserve even that.

I haven't seen her since which I'm glad about because with them gone I have the entire house to get everyone ready for tonight. The twins are going to a party—that I checked has parental supervision, addy is going to her friends house and I'm taking Diego trick or treating. Luis is also tagging along with us and then taking Diego home. He said he's going to hang out with his friend afterwards which worked out because I agreed to going to a Halloween party ages ago.

It's currently 4pm and the girls need to be there for 6pm so it's going to be a rough two hours. "Iris! I need your help!" Let the chaos commence. With a deep breath to calm myself I lock the door behind me, grab a bottle of water and head upstairs. Ava steals me first, "can you do my hair please?" She pulls me into her room where she falls onto her vanity chair and gives me puppy eyes through the mirror. "Of course what do you want it like?"

"Well I'm going as a pirate so something to match that" humming I move her hair around until I decide on a look. "If we use that red scarf on the top of your head, some beach waves and a few small braids would look nice" she thinks for a second before her eyes light up. "That will work really well" nodding I get moving, grabbing the curlers and some bobby pins for the scarf.

Ava blares some music from her speaker as I get to work on her hair and she starts her makeup. Gracie wanders inside half way through asking about shoe choices. She's going as angel and can't decide between a small pair of heels or ankle boots. "I like the boots" I tell her, mid way through wrapping a piece of hair around the curler. "I agree they match the outfit better" Ava comments as she blends her blusher.

"Okay boots it is thank you oh and Iris can you do my hair next?" I hum letting the piece of hair fall with the rest of her blonde locks.
"Yeah after I've finished Ava's" my sister smiles and cheerily skips out of other room.
"Are there going to be boys at this party?" I feign coolness like I'm not freaking out at the idea of my girls becoming involved with some boy who couldn't keep it in their pants.

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