23 - Meeting Snowflake

Start from the beginning

I smile at her message and prepare to leave for a quick shopping trip. I need to buy the ingredients for the fishsticks. As well as that, I want to buy a little present for Rindy because I want her to feel as comfortable as she can. 
I drive to the local toy store and buy a few things: a coloring book, some pencils, sweets, and a small stuffed sheep. I put it all into a small basket and write a small note before I get home and put everything onto the kitchen table. 
The small card reads: 

Dear Rindy, 
I do hope you enjoy this small present and I hope you feel comfortable in my home. 
I can’t wait to get to know you better. 
xx Y/N 

The note is nothing special, yet it holds a special meaning to me. It’s something small that she can turn to if she needs to take some time on her own. With that, I get started and prepare dinner. 
At 6:03 PM, the door opens, and a quite stressed Carol rushes through the door. Shortly after, a young girl enters my apartment. Carol hangs her coat up and takes the coat of Rindy, who hides behind her mother. 
“You can go, snowflake,” Carol whispers and strokes Rindy’s shoulder. The young girl nods and swallows. She seems scared. 
“Hi, Y/N,” Carol says as she enters the kitchen. She gives me a smile and a wink. I immediately blush at her gesture and want to rush over to her to kiss her. But then I see the small girl entering. 
I put the apron away and kneel down in front of her.
“Hello Rindy. It’s great to finally meet you. My name is Y/N. I’ve made dinner,” I say in a soft and gentle voice. Rindy hides behind her mother and I look up at Carol. 
“Rindy, that’s Y/N, I told you about her. She’s nice, don’t worry,” she jokes and smiles at me again. 
I nod. 
“I’ve made fishsticks. I’ve heard you like them. But I might need some help with the fries, and I’m looking for a volunteer. Now, your mother can’t cook very well, but don’t tell her. Would you like to help?” I whisper and give Rindy an excited look. She giggles and nods. 
“Amazing. Let’s get you started with giving you an apron, hm?” I say and put my apron back on. I look in the cabin for another apron for Rindy, and we begin to peel the potatoes. 

Half an hour passes before Carol comes back into the kitchen. She has made a few important calls 
“Oh wow, you’re a little kitchen fairy, snowflake?” she jokes and sits down on the table. Rindy giggles. 
“We’re making fries. Y/N taught me how to make them by myself,” she chuckles and proceeds to knead the potato dough. 
“How wonderful, she taught me how to make pasta before,” Carol responds and sets the table. 

Rindy and I finish the fries and put them into the oven. She seems to have fun, which makes me very happy. The importance is that Rindy is happy. 
“That smells great, snowflake,” Carol praises as I take the fries out of the oven to put some salt on them. Rindy sits down, and Carol hands her cup. 

“Enjoy your meal, girls,” I chuckle and offer them some food. 
Rindy starts to eat immediately, and it seems to please her expectations. 
“I love fishsticks,” she says with her mouth full of food. Carol nudges her, trying to make her remember her manners and not talk with a full mouth. Rindy blushes, and I chuckle and raise my eyebrow in Carol’S direction. She rolls her eyes at me but smiles. 

Dinner goes well, and Rindy likes the food, which is the main thing.
“Mommy, can I explore?” she says after we all have finished eating. 
“Ask Y/N, love,” Carol answers and turns to me. 
“Miss Y/L/N, could I explore?” she asks in a hesitant voice. 
“Rindy, you don’t have to call me Miss. Y/N is just fine. And of course, go ahead,” I answer, and she gets up to walk around the apartment. The second Rindy exits the kitchen, Carol comes up behind me and sits on my lap. She leans in and kisses me passionately. 

“Hmm, I missed that,” she whispers and crashes her lips on mine again. I hold her close and caress her cheek. 
“I love you, Carol,” I whisper and kiss the tip of her nose. 
“Y/N, is that for me?” a little voice says after a while. Carol immediately pulls away from me and acts normal again. Rindy comes back into the kitchen with the small basket in her hand. 

“Yes, Rindy. That’s for you,” I smile and gesture for her to take a look at the box. Rindy walks up to Carol, who lifts her up on her lap. The two look incredibly sweet. They love each other deeply, and it warms my heart even though I had a relationship like this with my mother. I try to push the thoughts away and give Rindy a smile. She opens the presents and smiles. 
“Oh, wow! Thank you,” she squeaks, clearly thrilled with the presents. She picks up the stuffed sheep and hugs it tightly
“I’m gonna call you Bingo,” she says and smiles. Then, she gets up and comes over to me to hug me. I am taken aback by her action but I’m very happy.

Time for bed, snowflake,” Carol says after a while. I check the clock and see that it’s already past 9PM. Rindy seems genuinely sad about it but eventually accepts her fate. 
“Where will I sleep?” she asks hesitantly. She has put one and one together and figured out that it’s not enough room for us all three.
“You and your mother will sleep in the bedroom. I’ll take the couch,” I explain with a smile, “your mother and I always share the sleeping situation like this.” 
Rindy nods and walks into the bathroom to change into her pyjamas. 
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Rindy whispers after she steps out of the bathroom. She looks very cute in her little flower pjyamas. 
“Goodnight Rindy, sleep well,” I answer and wave at her. The young girl grabs her sheep and walks into the bedroom. 

Carol puts her to sleep and comes back into the living space to cuddle for me for a little while. 
“Thank you, dearest,” she whispers as she rests her head on my chest. I pull the blanket a little higher to keep her warm. 
“She’s a sweetheart,” I say and brush my fingers through her hair. Carol relaxes into my touch.  
“She is. She’s my snowflake. And I think she likes you. I’m happy about that,” she smiles and lifts her head to place a kiss on my lips. 
Her lips taste so sweet. I can taste the apple chapstick she put on before changing into her nightgown. 
“I should check on her, she usually doesn’t sleep so well in places she hasn’t been to,” Carol says after a while and sighs. She doesn’t want to leave me.
“I understand. I’ll miss falling asleep in your arms tonight,” I admit and kiss her temple. Carol kisses me one last time before she gets up and walks to the bedroom. 
“Goodnight, dearest,” she whispers before closing the door. 

Carol Aird, you continue to make my life better every single day

(a/n:) Hello, my lovely readers. How are you? I'm so sorry for being absent for so long. University got out of hand, and I'm still not dealing with everything. I'll try to upload every second Sunday, but I can't promise you too much.
Until then, take care.
Xxx Sarah :)

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