Chapter 14: Extortion

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"Yeah, mom?"

"I think Shubman and Virat are fighting."

"Why do you think that, Mom?"

"Shubman won't stay in the same room with them for the past few days, and I was wondering if anything had happened."

"How would I know, Mom? It's not like I can go anywhere."

"Alright, alright, no need to be so snippy. Eat your raita."

He successfully got his mom to stop pestering him about Shubman, but it stayed in his mind - he had also noticed the tension between Shubman and Virat. He knew that they had a strained relationship ever since his accident, but this was new. Something was brewing. He decided to prod Rohit later, just to keep up on matters. Not that he cared.


Not a bit.

When Rohit visited the next day, Ishan prodded the subject a little bit.

"So.....why is Virat bhai a little snippy nowadays?"

"When is he not like that? I swear, he was born with a scowl on his face."

"No, I's just that I noticed some tension with....everyone."

Rohit bhai caught his hesitation, and with a smirk and wiggling eyebrows unbecoming of an ICT captain, asked,


Ishan simply rolled his eyes at the blatant teasing, and continued,

"Will you just tell me already?"

"Alright, alright. Sheesh. The next ODI series is announced - Shubman is part of it but he refuses to leave."

"Wha– why?"

"We tried to make him listen to reason, even Shahneel tried - he won't budge."

Ishan was quiet. He did not know what to make of this new Shubman. As long as he knew him, Shubman lived and breathed cricket - his focus and love for cricket were legendary - he was the Prince, after all. So what had happened?

He asked Rohit the same question.

The expression on Rohit's face could only be described as dumbfounded.

"You– you really don't know? Ishan, have you seen that boy's face? It lights up every time he enters this room. He refused to leave the hospital for fear of something happening to you. It was only when we promised to stay vigil that he left for 30 minutes to eat something. He's gotten favors from every hospital personnel so you get the best bed, the best service, extended visitor timings - everything he could think of. I don't think anything will move him."

Rohit looked up to see Ishan's eyes a little red around the rim, but Ishan quickly wiped his tears and spoke.

"He'll go."

When Raj told him that Ishan wanted to speak to him, Shubman's first reaction was to laugh and scold Raj for pulling his leg. When Raj's expression did not change, Shubman felt his heartbeat rocket so high he thought it was good he was already in a hospital because he was not sure his heart could take it.

"Are you sure he called me? Are you absolutely sure?"

"He said to 'call that idiot inside'. I paraphrased."

Sighing, Shubman went inside in response to His Highness' summons.

Ishan was flipping through a magazine when Shubman entered, but Shubman felt like he was standing in front of the principal, waiting to accept punishment.

"I want something. Will you–"


Ishan quirked an eyebrow at that. Shubman shot back, "Anything."

"Play the series."


"A-ah, you promised."


"You. Promised."

Shubman thought he was a good player, but Ishan had well and truly played him. Or maybe, he would always be willing to give Ishan whatever he wants. But he would not leave without getting anything in return.

"Why do you care so much, anyway?"

"Don't be absurd, Rohit bhai asked me so I asked you. It'll be nice to not see your ugly mug for a few days. Win-win for me."

"You say that, but I know for a fact that no one would dare ask you to do anything, especially not for me. There was a session on it - apparently, you're the newest baby and we are to cater to your every whim. So tell me..."

At this, Shubman stood closer to Ishan's bed and slowly bent down so he was eye to eye with him.

"Tell me why you care."

Unable to answer (and to bear the look in Shubman's eyes), Ishan looked away, which was all the answer Shubman needed. He stood back, and, with a cheer in his voice, said,

"I'll play, but don't think you will get rid of me that easily. We're forever, baby." and left without looking at the stunned look in Ishan's eyes. 

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