Chapter 9: Awakening

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"I thought the dhak-dhak thing happened only in films, eh?"

"Shut up, Virat. Look at the poor boy."

Rohit came to give Shubman, who was still looking a little shocked at the incident inside, a consoling hug.

"It's okay, Shubi. We knew it was going to be an uphill battle."

Shubman looked at Rohit, and stated:

"He didn't want me there, Rohit bhai."

"Of course he didn't. What did you think was going to happen? You thought he would leap into your arms and all would be forgiven?"

At this, both Rohit and Shubman glared at Virat, who glared back.

"Why are you being so mean to him, Virat?"

Virat sighed, ran a hand over his hair, and said, "I....sympathize with a broken heart. You didn't see him when he came to me. He looked....haunted, lost. So excuse me if I am a little overprotective over him."

Just then, the doctor came out of the room, looking a little haggard. All three rushed to him, the concern in their eyes, evident.

"He is stable now, but heavily sedated; he won't be up for hours. It's going to be a long road to recovery, but thankfully he has no prior ailments. I do have a favor to ask, though. Can you make sure the....episode does not happen again? The patient needs all the rest he can."

"Of course, doctor. You got it."

Shubman let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He looked at Virat and Rohit, who looked exhausted.

"You guys can go home. You heard what the doctor said, he won't be up for hours."

"We'll be back in a few hours - his parents will most likely arrive at the same time. You sure you will be okay?"


Shubman watched his support system walk away, and sat outside Ishan's room, waiting.

He must have dozed off at some point, because the next thing he knew, he was waking up in a chair massaging his stiff neck. He looked around, and after noting the time, walked up to Ishan's door.

Don't be scared, he chided himself, and twisted the door handle.

Ishan was still asleep.

The machines emitted a steady beep, for which Shubman was immensely grateful. The cacophony of noises earlier had scared him shitless, and he wanted no repeat of the incident. Shubman silently walked to the head of Ishan's bed and peered down at him. Careful not to jostle him, tangled as he was with tubes and wires, Shubman carefully traced his fingers down Ishan's face.

He shivered at the contact, which reminded him painfully that he had not touched, or been in the vicinity of his best friend for months now. His fingers traced the contours of his nose, his jaw, and his ears, which looked weird without his earrings.

Ishan looked so peaceful, with no trace of the earlier fear in him now. Feeling a surge of protectiveness, Shubman vowed never to let anything (or anyone) ruin Ishan's peace. He would do whatever it took to make Ishan smile again, to return that smile on his face, where it belonged.

Unable to help himself, he placed a gentle kiss on Ishan's forehead. If he left a few tears on Ishan's forehead, well, that was a secret between him and the hospital room.

A text alert drew his attention away. It was from Rohit.

Arriving in 15 - Ishan's parents with us.

A few minutes later, Ishan's room had changed into a mini war room. Shubman, Rohit, and Virat stood to the side, all awaiting the doctor's verdict. Ishan's family stood near his bedside, his parents in tears and his brother trying to hold them together. The nurses adjusted the IV drips, while the doctors conversed among themselves.

Finally, they came to a decision and faced Ishan's parents.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kishan, Ishan is a strong and healthy boy. He inhaled a lot of smoke during the crash, but his respiratory organs seemed to be functioning well. He does have a lot of severe burns, a fractured leg, a bruised sternum, and other abrasions. His injuries will take time to heal, and we can think of cosmetic surgery to reduce the marks later. We believe that instead of shifting him, his treatment can be best done in Mumbai as moving him now might be dangerous. We have the best physiotherapists to help him get in the best shape again, and the ICT's panel of doctors will be extra helpful in getting Mr. Ishan back on the field in no time. You can take him home after a few months, when he can walk by himself and will get some family time."

"But doctor, our family, our jobs, are all at home. How will we..."

Shubman jumped in before Ishan's father could complete his sentence. He walked up to them, and calmly said,

"Uncle, aunty - please don't worry about Ishan at all. You guys stay here for a few days at Ishan's, but we will take care of everything after. We are family after all, isn't that right?"

Ishan's mother hugged him at that, and stroking his cheeks, said,

"What did Ishan do to deserve friends like you, beta?"

A voice croaked from the bed.

"Something truly horrible, ma."

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