Growing (Harry)

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It all started when you moved into that large brick house in Holmes Chapel. You were five, and even at that age, you were mad at your parents for taking you away from all the friends you had begun to make in kindergarten. Getting yourself out of your booster seat and slamming the car door, you stomped up to the door, waiting for your parents to unlock it, but they weren't ready to go inside yet, so they forced you to stay outside with them while they settled the car.

You sat down on the lawn, pulling grass up in clumps while giving your parents the best mean face you could. Suddenly, you hear your parents laughing with voices you don't recognize. You look up to notice a pretty woman with dark hair chatting with your mom, while a little boy with light brown hair holding her hand. He's absent mindedly playing with a soccer ball, before he notices you sitting in the yard.

The little boy tugs his hand loose from his mother's and kicks the ball as hard as he can in your direction, hitting you in the back.

"Ow!" You yelp out, while he laughs, trying to act innocent.

"Harry!" His mother scolds, "You go apologize right now!" He frowns, letting his shoulders droop. His mother apologizes to your parents, but when the little boy makes his way to you, you stand and turn, ignoring him.

"Sorry," he says, reaching for his ball. "I didn't mean to hit you that hard."

"Go away," you say, huffing, but turning to look at him.

"You're the first kid besides me and my sister to be here. What's your name?"

"El, but I said go away! You hit me with a ball!"

"And I said I was sorry!" You square your shoulders, even at five, knowing this kid was persistent. Just as you're about to tell him to go away, when a girl, slightly older than you sticks her head out from across the street.

"Mom!" She screeches. "Phone!" The woman standing with your parents smiles, turns to her son, "come on, Harry. You can play later."

"See ya," he says before kicking the soccer ball across the street and running after it. This, you think, is the worst thing that's ever happened to you.


You and Harry spend your childhood together, kicking that same soccer ball he hit you with. Even though Harry has become your best friend, he's still obnoxious and loud, yelling obscene things with you in public, effectively causing you to be mortified on more than one occasion.

When his parents divorce, he ends up spending most of his days and nights at your place. Your mom is also his mother's best friend, so she understands what Harry is going through. He sleeps on your floor in his favorite glow-in-the-dark sleeping bag, and you're strictly forbidden from sleeping with him, but you're not sure why.

It's late, though, one night, when you hear him sniffling.

"Harry?" you question, but he doesn't answer, only turns over. After a few minutes, he replies, but his voice is rough and sad and you don't know what to do. You gently climb from your bed with your favorite blanket and crawl in behind him, holding his shoulders.

"It's okay, Harry." He sniffles again and turns over to hug you back. After a few minutes, his breathing evens out and you both fall asleep. When you wake up, the sun is just rising so you sneak back into your bed, watching the sweet childhood face of your best friend.


It's the last year of middle school, and you notice both of you have changed. Harry has suddenly grown in height, his voice deepening. He's also taken a sudden interest in girls, which creates a nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach.

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