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It had been a long day. I had never been so thankful for a Friday before in my life. Liam was over in Sweeden working on the new album and wouldn’t be home until the next day. All I wanted to do was run a bath, drink some wine, and go to sleep.

I opened the door to my flat and dropped my purse on the ground out of shock. Standing in front of me, in that perfectly tailored gray three-piece suit and black tie, was Liam.

“What are you doing here?” I screamed. “I thought you weren’t coming back until tomorrow!”

“We finished up early. I thought it would be fun to surprise you.”

It was only then that I took a good look around my flat. There was no natural light in sight. There were hundreds of white candles and streams of white fairy lights strewn as far as my eyes could see. I felt myself getting choked up and had to clutch my chest to stop the tears from coming.

“What, what is all of this for?” I stammered.

Liam walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. He brushed away the hair that had fallen in my face and looked me in the eyes.

“I know things haven’t been easy for you lately and I know I haven’t been around to help you deal with everything. So I wanted to give you a night where you could forget about it all and just relax. Tonight is all about you, babe.”

I buried my head into his chest and allowed his arms to envelop me. He was right. Things hadn’t been easy and he had been so busy lately to the point where it felt like we never saw each other. But he was here now and that was all that mattered.

“Go get changed and I’ll run you a bath,” Liam said before giving me a sweet but passion-filled kiss on the lips.

As I walked towards my bedroom, I was amazed by the amount of work he had put into everything. The fairy lights continued into my bedroom where he had laid out my bathrobe and slippers.

“The flat looks incredible,” I called toward the bathroom. “How did you do all of this in a couple of hours?”

“Niall came back with me from the airport and helped me,” Liam explained. “There may be a few things missing from the fridge, but I told him that could be his payment for helping me.”

I let out a small laugh while tying my hair back. Of course Niall helped him. Niall and I had a great friendship and he and Liam had an obvious bromance with each other. I was sure that there would be more than a few things missing from the fridge, but I had learned to buy a little extra whenever I went shopping just for Niall.

I walked into the bathroom and let out a sigh. Candles surrounded the bath and the bubbles were almost overflowing onto the floor. There was a bottle of red wine and two glasses on the small table next to the bath. I raised an eyebrow at Liam.

“Two glasses? I thought this was supposed to be just about me.”

He blushed slightly and gazed up with a sheepish look on his face. “It is. But I thought maybe you might like some company.”

I smiled and walked over to him. I put my hands around his neck and kissed him deeply.

“I always want your company, love.”

He slipped the bathrobe off of me and I slowly made my way into the hot water. It stung for a moment and then I let myself slide into the peace and quiet. I had almost forgotten Liam was there when I heard him clear his throat.

“Can I get you anything else, babe?”

“I want you to climb in here with me,” I said feeling myself begin to throb as I took all of him in. Sometimes I think I should really send a thank you card to whoever the wardrobe supervisor was on the video shoot that told him he could keep that suit.

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