Part 25

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(9 Months Later)

"Sweetheart, can you tell me where you are?" Groaning, it's a struggle to open my eyes. There is a lady standing above me, her eyes hold a certain kindness to them as she holds my hand. "Do you know where you are?"

A terrible pain in my lower stomach has me groaning as I squeeze the lady's hand tight in my own. "Where am I?"

Where am I? Who am I? The questions race around my head as I look around the room only to realize I'm in a hospital. How did I get here? Who am I? Closing my eyes again, I try to think of the last thing I remember. I remember walking up to the hospital as the pain became overbearing and passing out on the steps. This is the last thing I remember. But what I can't remember is what happened before that. I can't remember who I am or what I'm doing here.

"You're in a hospital, sweetheart. You just delivered a baby." Her words have me feeling as if someone threw a bucket of ice cold water on my head, I freeze. I look up at the woman again to see any trace of lying yet she stands there so serious that I laugh.

"You're kidding, right?" She must be lying, this can't be. I don't even know who I am and now I have a baby to take care of? Who's baby is it? This must be some terrible joke, it's not funny.

The door to the hospital room opens and another nurse walks in, a small infant in her hand. She smiles kindly at me. "Are you ready to meet your daughter?"

I'm frightened, my hands shaking, as she places the baby in my arms for me to hold. The infant is beautiful, dark chocolate brown eyes staring up at me. It's in this moment that I know she's my child, the protectiveness already appearing deep within my gut. Tiny hands reach up to touch my cheek, grabbing tightly onto my skin as if she's afraid to let go.

She's absolutely perfect but where is her father? How did we get into this position? As I stare down at my daughter I realize that I'll do anything for her, I'll protect her with my life. She is my world now and even if her father isn't in the picture she will have me to care for her. She will never go without, never go hungry with me around.

The nurse helps me latch my daughter onto my breast so the baby can feed before she looks at me again. "Do you know who you are?" She asks me this again, uncertainty clear on her face.

If I tell her no she will have to call the police. What if I am a victim of kidnapping? Something deep within my bones is telling me there is so much more to this story, that something bigger is happening. I just have to try to remember what.

"Of course, my name is Kaitlyn Reeves." The lie slips from my mouth easily and the nurse nods, breathing a sigh of relief as she quickly writes my name down.

"Great, I'm going to go get you registered in our system and give you a few minutes alone to bond with your daughter." She offers me another kind smile before slipping out of the room to go enter me into their system.

Bringing my daughter close to my face, I give her a little sniff as I inspect her for any injuries. There is a need to make sure my baby is okay, that she's safe. But I need to get out of here. What if they find out I'm lying about who I am? They will call the police and my baby will be taken away from me. I can't let that happen.

Getting out of bed with my daughter tight to my chest, I have to lean against the armrest for a moment as my legs are a bit shaky. My daughter looks up at me, her eyes wide as if she knows what I'm doing. I half expect her to cry and give us away, but she lays silently. Giving her a quick glance to make sure she's still okay, I begin to look around the room for anything I can use to hide my baby as I don't want to look suspicious.

I'm not sure where I'm going to go though. I don't know who I am or where I came from or if I even have a home. How am I going to take care of her if I can't even take care of myself? All I know is that I need to leave and I need to keep her safe. She is my life now, she will be forever protected by me.

Glancing around the bare room, I notice the window which is cracked slightly. Walking over to it, I use my free hand to test the strength of the window. We're on the first floor, it would be easy to climb out and make our escape. The window opens easily, the door to the room opening just as I begin to climb out.

"What are you doing?" The nurse yells as she begins to run towards me, confusion etched onto her face. She has no time to catch me as I quickly jump out of the window and begin running, my daughter clutched tightly into my arms.

I don't look back as I make my way into the forest.

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