Part 6

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Waking up, the light from the room burns my eyes every time I open them. I feel lighter, as if a weight has been lifted off of my chest. When I am finally able to open my eyes, I turn and see Greyson sleeping in the chair next to my bed, his hand holding mine. I open my mouth to speak yet no words come out, my mouth is drier than a desert. Tapping my hand against his own, it isn't long before his eyes open.

He's alert immediately, his hand grasping mine just a tiny bit tighter. "Ava." He breathes my name out in relief, concern in his eyes. Reaching over to the table next to him, he grabs the glass of water sitting on it, handing it to me. I gulp it down like a woman who hasn't had any water in days, he smiles at this. "I'm so glad you're awake, you've been out for four days."

Four days? I take another small sip of the water, no wonder I'm thirsty. I open my mouth to speak yet no words come out. Terror fills me as I touch my throat, trying to force words out. What is happening?

"Shhh, it's okay. You lost your voice from all the screaming, it'll come back soon." Running his finger down my cheek, he's able to calm me down from just his touch. "Talia made you all better, your father and his witch can't control you anymore." He leans over, placing a soft kiss on my cheek that has me shivering from the pleasure of it.

Turning my head, I get the strong urge to kiss him. He seems to know what I want because he begins to lean in to. Lips are only inches from each other when the door opens and someone walks in the room. Jumping back from Greyson, I turn to see a man dressed in a white lab coat and his cheeks are red. He bows his head as Greyson growls. "Sorry, Alpha." He bends his neck for a moment before standing up straight and making his way over to me. "How are we today, Ava? Glad to see you're finally awake."

Nodding my head, I point towards my throat as I sign that I'm unable to talk.

The man smiles. "Oh, yes. Sorry, I forgot that you can't speak right now but don't worry, you'll have your voice back in a few days." He then turns towards Greyson. "Alpha, all of her vitals are looking good, we just have to keep her here for a few hours since she just woke up to monitor her and then you can bring her home." Greyson nods to the doctor, keeping his eyes on me.

Hours later has me hoisted on Greysons' back, him insisting that I need to be carried like a baby. He won't let me out of his sight, his hand constantly on some part of my body. I think he needs the reassurance that I'm still here and that I'm not going anywhere. Walking into his house, we're greeted by Alex sitting on the couch.

Alex stiffens slightly at the sight of me and Greyson growls at him in warning. He approaches us and I see a small smile on his face, relief in his eyes. "Ava." He takes a deep breath glancing from Greyson to me. "I know it wasn't you who attacked me and I just want you to know that I don't blame you for what happened. I knew you couldn't kill me." Trying to smile back at him, it comes out more of a grimace as I remember how he looked, bloody and beaten on the floor. "It would be terrible crime if you killed the most good looking man here." He teases, earning a growl from Greyson.

"I am the only good looking man to Ava." With a low grunt, Greyson takes a seat on the couch, moving me so I'm sitting on his lap. Although I still don't really know Greyson, I snuggle deeper into his chest allowing his warmth to comfort me. He looks down at me and smiles before turning his full attention to Alex. "Have we found anything yet?" Looking down at me, he sees my confusion. "We're looking for your father, Ava. We're going to kill him when we find him."

It shocks me that I feel comfort in his words, that I want my father to die. I'm not a naturally violent person but after all he's done to me, and all of the things that he's still doing to me, he needs to go. All of my life I've been mistreated by him, his own personal punching bag. All I've wanted from him from his love, his acceptance, and he taught me that I will never get that. I thought I'd never feel love again until Greyson found me. I thought I was unworthy of it.

"Not yet, we've been finding his scent in different parts of the area though so he must be on the move. We just have to be smarter, figure out where he's going." Alex snaps me out of my thoughts. "I smelled his scent near our borders yesterday but it was old and he was long gone before we got there." Alex lets out a deep breath, the frustration showing on his face.

So my father was near this pack yesterday, probably trying to figure out a way he can get me back. Shivering from the thought, Greyson holds me tighter to him. His presence calms my nerves, helps me feel safe, as if nothing can get me while I'm in his arms. If I let my thoughts wander to Greyson and my father fighting, I see Greyson winning. I feel as if Greyson will always protect me, will always have my back.

"Are you hungry?" Nodding my head yes to his question, Greyson snaps me out of my thoughts. Standing, he lifts me in his arms and brings me over to the kitchen. He sets me down on one of the stools and begins rummaging through the fridge. "Is a sandwich okay?" Pulling out the lunch meat from the fridge, Alex takes a seat next to me as Greyson begins preparing some food.

My stomach growls making the boys laugh. "Someone's hungry." Alex waits for Greyson to finish making me a sandwich before he starts his own.

Taking a seat on my left, Greyson lifts the sandwich for me to take a bite out of it. Going to grab the sandwich, he swats my hands lightly. "Please just let me feed you, Ava. After everything that's been happening, my wolf and I just need to be near you and touching you at all times. Right now we're on high alert, running on pure instinct and right now it's telling me not to let you do anything without me." Looking into his pleading eyes, I allow him to feed me from his hand. It's intimate, and my cheeks turn red as this male takes his time feeding me, taking care of me.

"Aw, so cute." A flash is seen and Greyson and I both turn to Alex who has his phone up and pointed towards us. He smiles sheepishly. "Sorry, didn't realize I had my flash on." Quickly putting his phone away, he puts his plate in the sink before running out of the house. "Bye, have a good night! Try not to get too freaky." He is gone before Greyson can reply.

Greyson laughs as he puts our dish in the sink before picking me up again. "Time for bed, you need your rest." He brings me to a room and lays me down on the bed, kissing my forehead. "I'll see you in the morning okay, just call my name if you need anything."

He turns to leave.

"Greyson?" I call out just as he makes it to the door.

"Yes?" His dark brown eyes are lit up by the moonlight, making them glow.

"Will you stay with me?"

Climbing into bed with me, a small smile is on his face as gets under the covers pulling me into his chest. "Always."

Alpha Greysonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن