Part 8

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Wiping my sweaty hands on my dress, I'm nervous as I wait for Greyson's parents to arrive. I borrowed the dress from a pack member, just a casual black dress that goes slightly past my knees. Greyson walks over to me, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. "Relax, they're going to love you."

His words soothe me slightly and it isn't long before there's a knock on the door. Walking over so I'm standing next to Greyson, he swings open the door to greet his parents. His mother is beautiful with long brown hair and forest green eyes. I can see where Greyson gets his looks from. His father is also very handsome, Greyson and him could be twins.

Pulling his mom in for a hug, he kisses her cheek. When they pull away from one another, her eyes land on me. I almost look away from the warm smile and the caring eyes she wears. She steps into the house, pulling me in for a hug. I could die right now happy from the way this feels, being in her arms. It's as if I'm hugging my own mother, and I want to cry from the feeling. Pulling back slightly with her hands still on my shoulders, she gasps as she sees the tears in my eyes. "Oh you sweet thing, lets get you inside." I allow her to lead me and she pulls me so we're both sitting on the couch next to each other. She holds my hands in hers, her eyes never leaving mine. "My son is so lucky to have such a beautiful mate."

I can't stop the tears as they begin to fall from my eyes, my happiness pouring out for everyone to see. I can see this woman becoming important to me, becoming a mother figure to me. Wiping my eyes, I'm embarrassed by my display of emotions. "Sorry, it's just been a long time since someone has shown me so much kindness."

Greyson begins to walk towards me but his father makes it over first. "We will always be here for you, Ava." His eyes shine bright with tears that don't fall. "We already love you, you are part of this family and we take care of our own." He brushes his cheek against mine, a show of affection amongst wolves according to Greyson.

Greyson clears his throat and I silently thank him for getting the attention off of me. "How about we eat?" He walks over to me and grabs my hand, pulling me towards the dining room table. He pulls out my chair for me and waits for me to sit before kissing my cheek gently.

I can't help but stare at Greyson as he walks over to the counter and begins to make plates, giving me mine first before he serves his parents. He takes his seat next to me once we're all served and waits for me to take the first bite before he takes his. Once Greyson has taken his first bite, his parents begin eating as well, letting him go first.

After a dinner full of laughter, we make our way out to the living room and Greyson pulls out a deck of cards for us to play. We sit in a tight circle playing UNO, the four of us laughing and joking around as we all get a little competitive. His mother is cursing up a storm, promising that her husband will sleep on the couch if he beats her again. The first time she said it, his face went pale before he threw out a draw four to hit her with, making Greyson and I laugh as she began to smack him.

It was just as we were about to start a new game that Alex came barging through the door, panting as if he had just ran a marathon. "Alpha, you need to come see this."

Immediately Greyson and his father were on high alert, both abandoning their cards to give their full attention to the Beta. Greyson turns, eyeing his mother hard.

His mother immediately stands, her body taking a protective stand over me. She bares her teeth, a look of war in her eyes. "I'll protect her with my life."

Greyson's father walks over, kissing his wife. "We'll be back as soon as we can." With those words, Greyson and his father leave to deal with the situation.

The door is shut tightly behind them and Laila turns back to me, a small smile on her face. Can she sense my worry? "Don't worry, honey. The boys will be back in no time, nothing can hurt them." She wears a look of pride as she talks about her son and her husband. "While they're gone, let's have some girl talk." She winks as if she's a young teenager again. "So tell me, how do you feel about my son?"

I feel my face go red with her question. "Um, I'm not sure." I take a deep breath. "He makes me feel safe, as if I could finally believe in something. He makes me feel loveable but I'm not so sure." Confessing my feelings is weird to me and I'm scared of her judgement.

"Oh, honey." She pulls me in a tight hug, her warmth embracing me. "Greyson would never do anything to hurt you, I can already tell he loves you." Her words are kind and they help me to be more relaxed, more open. "I know things are scary considering your condition, but I promise you Greyson will always protect you and love you the way you deserve to be loved."

But can I love Greyson the way he deserves to be loved? Or am I too broken?

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