Chapter Four

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Marie tugged down on her skirt as she approached the large brass office doors.

"You May go in" the green eyed receptionist said, gesturing towards the slightly open doors.
Allison would have her head if she messed this up, so she took a deep breath and headed into the office, trying to look confident even though she didn't feel like it.

A man sat on a big massive chair, scribbling on the top page of a large file, his mass of gold curly hair, dropping broodily. He didn't look up when she entered.
"Have a seat." He said, not sparing the slightest glance.

Damn these short skirts. She thought. Once again, tugging down on the mini office skirt Allison had lended her.

"Thank you.....sir" She muttered. Just then he raised his head. Looks like a kid. She thought fleetingly.

"And you are...." He asked, a strange expression on his face.

"Marilyn Micheals" She said, reaching across the table for an handshake. He ignored her hand. "Allison McGuire requested my services to you." She said, finally placing her hands on her laps.

"Yeah, my Favourite officer. If she recommended you, that means you're definitely good at what you do." He said, pushing the files aside.

She opened her mouth to speak, but he held up a finger.

"On normal circumstances, I would have us meet at the estate, so I could show you around, but unfortunately I'm swamped with work, so I'll leave all that to my assistant." He paused, peering into her eyes. "Marilyn, what I value the most is discretion and respect of my privacy. I hardly change employees, because they have always accorded me such."

"I can assure you, I won't be any different." She said solemnly.

"Hmm.....I understand you would be living in..." He raised an eyebrow.

"Yes sir... I believe it would be more convenient.." She paused, this was the main reason Allison had set up this job for her. Living with this man solved two problems. His home was heavily guarded, and very out of reach from an outside person. Even if 'he' was still alive, he would never be able to get to her. And, the fact that the pay was ridiculously high was also an upside, She could provide for Danny and take care of him properly.

"That wouldn't be a problem, but I hope you wouldn't mind, my.....guys... did a little research on you." He said, holding her gaze.

She panicked, and suddenly, she could feel her throat closing. She rubbed her sweaty palms together.

"You're quite a brilliant woman, for chrissake you went to Yale!" Donald Grey said, smiling widely.

She chuckled and heaved a huge breath of relief.

"Oh, that...thank you" She said, her heart slowing down to normal. "You don't need a research for that, it was in my CV"

"I didn't go through you CV" He said bluntly.

"Oh" she smiled.

"But I did find out that you have a son. Would living in be .....convenient....for him?" He asked.

"As long as you're okay with it sir, Danny would be excited." She said, smiling once again.

"It's settled then! Brittany would give you the contract so you could go through it. And when you're ready, Marcos will show you around." He said, smiling.

When Marilyn walked out of the office, she felt lighter. Now was the beginning of a new start, she was going to be okay.

Ps: I love the clouds🌥❤️

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