Chapter Three

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Donald Grey was an important man, and he knew that better than anyone. He was needed because he was a Grey, and the Grey name was powerful as hell.

"Sir, should I open up an appointment with you for Mrs. Simon?" His assistant; Brittany  asked, her green eyes moving skittishly over her notepad.

"To hell with Aubrey, she's as slimy as a snail, I wouldn't want her slobbering over here." He said, leaning back on his chair.

Brittany made no reaction, as she quickly crossed a line on her pad. Too professional. Donald thought.

"Coffee sir?" She asked.

"Yeah sure." He said, allowing his eyes rest on the open buttons on her blouse, where an hint of her cleavage peeped. If she was uncomfortable, she didn't show it. " please"

She nodded, and headed out of his office.

He smiled. He was the CEO of one of the most valuable companies in the world, with over $2.7 trillion market capitalization. He could well be described as influential and powerful, so yeah, Brittany couldn't afford to be offended.

"Why are you smiling like a pimp with a treat?" Someone said, flinging his large office doors open.

It could only be Martha Grey; his mother.

She was dressed in Red today, looking brilliantly.....well brilliant, and heavily Jeweled. She hung on to her hand bag (probably designed by coco Chanel) and sat down like a royal chihuahua on the chair across his table.

"Well, I was hoping to take a pretty lady to dinner today" he said, holding out his hand for hers. She laid her palm in his delicately. Dryly, he noted the large diamond ring that rested on her slender finger. He kissed it.

"I'm guessing that would be me, the chances of another female in your life is quite slim." Martha said, withdrawing her hand.

"I'll surprise you one day, mother." He said, his blue eyes gleaming with humor.

"I've got a surprise for you already though." She said, opening her bag carefully. "...Ta da!" She exclaimed, bringing out a black card.

"What's that?" He asked, an eyebrow raised suspiciously.

"Well, nothing.... just an exclusive invite to Paris Gilmore's privately exclusively private party!" Martha squealed.

"What the hell does that even mean?" Donald said, shaking his head.

"This was hard to come by Donny! This might be your chance to meet the ONE. Many good natured (she actually meant rich) young ladies would be there, Paris Gilmore doesn't just invite anybody to her privately exclusively private parties." Martha chided.

Donald shook his head, his mother was literally obsessed with match making, and the worst part was, she hasn't made a successful match before.

" I need you to come with me Donny, let's go have some fun!" She said, standing up.

"Aren't you 60 already?" He asked.

"And you are 34, turning older and grayer than me." She retorted, glaring at him.

"Mom honestly, I think I'll pass, I've got this big deal I wanna close tomorrow, so I've got a lot of work to do." He said, going round the table to give her a kiss. "I promise, the next time Paris Giller throws a privately exclusively private party, I'll go with you"

"It's Gilmore!" She snarled, turned back, and elegantly trotted out of his office, flipping her finger at him.

Laughing quietly, he went through the files on his table.
There was a light knock on his door.

"Your coffee, sir" Brittany said, carrying a tray in.

He nodded.
"The lady for the house keeping job is here, should I let her in?" Brittany asked.

"Sure" He said, signing on the documents.

Brittany walked out, and a few moments later, he heard hesitant steps come in.

"Have a seat" He said, without raising his head.

"Thank you." A rich husky voice with an Italian accent said.

Donald raised his eyes and was met with eyes, brown and soft. The woman before him shifted uneasily in her seat.

"And you are......" He asked, trying to keep his glance neutral. She was a beauty, her brown hair shone and lay in waves down her back, and her skin could have been made of alabaster, her soft brown eyes were doe-like, he fought the urge to look at her lips.

"Marilyn Micheals....sir" she said, reaching out her hand for an handshake.

Hey guys, sorry for the late update, let's end 2023 with some steam🌚🦋

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