Chapter Two

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"Mom, can I have some pop tarts?" Danny asked.

"Maybe later, honey" Marilyn said, testing the new locks she'd just installed. Satisfied, she went over the windows
locking them firmly.

"Man...its like a prison in here, is this how you're gonna lock things up like a maniac, all through this week?" Allison said, leaning back on the couch.

"Not just this week, maybe the whole year" Marilyn said, locking yet another window.

"I can't breathe...I...can't " Allison said, her hand on her neck, feigning being strangled.

"It's not funny Allie" Marilyn said, ignoring her.

"You're no fun." Allison went over to Danny.

"Give him some pop tarts" Marilyn said, heading up to her room.

Satisfied with the new painting that was just drying off, she went over to the locked window, pulling the curtain over it.

Her phone on the night stand rang.

"Hello, Marilyn Micheals here" She said, answering it. It was an unknown caller.

Dead silence on the other end.

"Hello, are you there?" She asked loudly.

Some static, a pause.

"Helllooo." She dragged, about to end the call.

"Marie" an hoarse whisper, almost inaudible, came from the other end.

Gasping, she threw the phone across the room, and fell to the ground, trembling all over.

Allison rushed in.

"What's happening here?" She asked, looking at the phone on the ground.

Marilyn sat on the floor.

Allison went over to her, holding her face up.

"What happened Marilyn?" She asked, confused.

"His....his...voice, I....I heard his voice....he...he..isn't dead, Ally" She croaked, tears pouring from her eyes.

"For real? It might have...yunno....been a mistake." Allison said.

"No, I'm was him." Marilyn said hugging her self, as terror settle deep within her.
"You know what? I'll trace the call okay? You need to pull yourself together, don't let Dan see you like this" Allison said, giving her a hand.

Nodding quickly, Marilyn stood up, cleaning her eyes.

"I need to call the police again!" She said, terror clouding her eyes.

"Girl, I am the police.." Allison said, walking over to the fridge and bringing out a can of water. "...don't make everyone think you're a freak" she handing her the water.

Taking a huge gulp, Marilyn sat on a chair, trembling slightly.

" I need to see my therapist, I think I need help Allie, if I get one more call like that again, I think I'll break out.."

"Chill alright, you'll get through this, you've been through a lot these last few years, and you're still trying to adjust....." Allison held her hands tightly "'re the strongest woman I know Marie, you got a bad guy down, now don't let his ghost ruin your fun. Now, let's go for a ride, these locks look sickening"


Hello Everyone 💫
Hope you're enjoying the book🤩
Still updating later.

BEING HEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora