lilith - an introduction

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There are lot of people in the world ,like how can we categorize them by personality or something like that, let's just take some people as---
Let's go ahead with the story of teenager who is going through a hard time .
Trust me ;this is story is best to understand the intentions of the people.

"Why does people wants to kill people for no particular reason"?.
" jealousy destroys human peace"?.

Lilith (a normal teenager of 16 ) she is normal but what about her life is it normal let's go ahead to see if it is normal or not. She is in high school or we can say.. in 12th she is a part time Dancer ;full time student. she lives in a rental house which is consisted of one room ,kitchen ,washroom and done . With That much information you must be thinking that she is poor but no she is not poor she was born in a rich family . But why she is not living with her family let's read to find out..

Lilith - she is attractive. She have dark hair ,cat eyes ,pale skin ,full lips, and a hour glass body her height is approximately 5.6 ft. tall her hairs are till her shoulder it is wavy and she have bangs .
Her personality is kind, helpful, and very selfless .she is always loving and she loves to dance. But her difference side is just terrible when she gets angry her Hazel eyes will look very scary if she is angry on you she will stare at you and you will get shiver up all over your body. As you know she lives alone ;not with her sibling or her parent or her friend . she is also good in studies but not that much she is an straight A student. she is a brilliant dancer ;dance is an ultimate source of finance in her life

what if a serial killer is your student for like 2 months and you did not even realised about it .I know you might be thinking that it is not possible ;but sometimes it is. sometimes mysterious things happens actually she never noticed  that a serial killer is her student but who knows what is in the fortune of Lilith death or dance.

She teaches some people by going to there houses and she works in a private dance class. the serial killer acts very normally with lilith. she often noticed that sometimes enoch (serial killer) smells like meat she thought that she has ate meat and ignored it she frequently visit her house like once a week and that's enough introduction for her read next chapter to find out what happened ...

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