{Log Entry 8}

190 8 0

Everything was black.
Until you opened your eyes, at least.
The familiar bright white light of Gabriels room made you close your eyes again, since it was way too bright.

After a few minutes of lying in silence, you opened them again-
You felt extremely happy, for some reason.
Why did you feel happy?
Because of what happened yesterday.
But what happened yesterday?
You couldn't remember anything.
Maybe you had dreamt it?

You got up and headed downstairs to check what day of the week it was.
The calendar that Gabriel had hanging from his door was gone.
You were sure that it had been there a few days ago, why would he remove it?
"It feels like I've forgotten so many things over the past few weeks" you muttered to yourself, as you pressed open the door to the hallway.
As suspected, Gabriel was nowhere to be found.
Great, considering the fact I was really hungry...for how long have I been asleep anyways?

Alt. Archangel Gabriel x Reader (gn)Where stories live. Discover now