{Log Entry 6}

368 13 5

You were woken up by a loud flashing light and clicking sound, it was aimed right at your face.
When you opened your eyes to get a better look, you could see Gabriel sitting on top of you, who quickly let the camera,that he was holding just a second ago, disappear.
"Another one for my collection!" Gabriel exclaimed.
What was he doing here?
But then again, you had also showed up in his bed while he was sleeping.
You asked Gabriel why he had come here.
"You don't know? There were alternates reported in your area! The second I heard about them, I rushed over to your place! I was so worried about you!" he said, while dramatically over-exaggerating his movements, probably trying to mock a lady in distress in a hollywood movie.
However, his fast paced arm movements made him look like a chicken.
You chuckled to yourself.
Gabriel immediately went stiff when you laughed, and got off of you.
"Ah! I almost forgot, my dove! I made you some tea! I hope you like it!"
You tried to get up to drink the tea, but within the blink of an eye Gabriel was lying beside you again, pressing the cup of tea to your lips, putting his hand on your stomach to stop you from getting up.
It was extremely awkward to have to drink like this, both you and Gabriel stayed silent until you had fully emptied the cup of tea. After that, Gabriel moved closer to you and hugged you very tight.
Why was he being so affectionate all of a sudden?
"I have to make up for earlier." Gabriel said, "I didn't mean to ignore you, I just never got the notification." after which, he swiftly kissed you on the cheek.
Before you could react, he got up and sat down onto your couch.
"I'm going to stay here all night and make sure that no alternate harms you"
What? Is Gabriel insane?
You thought about convincing him not to stay up all night, but the Gabriel you knew was extremely stubborn.
Gabriel hit the light switch, and everything went dark.
You laid there, almost paralysed in your bed, you didn't know if you could sleep with Gabriel around.
Despite it being dark, you could feel Gabriels piercing eyes on you.
How are you going to get sleep like this?
All of a sudden, the light turned back on.
"Having trouble sleeping?" Gabriel asked you.
Not even waiting for your answer, Gabriel got up and left the room, returning with another tea in his hands.
"Come on, drink this, It'll help you fall asleep"
When the cup of tea was empty, he simply put it on your nightstand and turned the lights off.
Now you were in the same situation as earlier on,
wide awake and Gabriel was still staring at you trough the darkness.
What a weird man.

Alt. Archangel Gabriel x Reader (gn)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat