{Log entry 2}

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When you got back, you continued to work on your alternate research.
Well, you tried to but all you could think about was the encounter you had with Gabriel earlier on and how weird it was. The missing people, the codes not having changed, that hallway occurrence....
How did you think nothing of it in there?
It's like being in Gabriel's presence made your brain malfunction.
Ah! You still need to get ready for lunch with Gabriel.
Wait- did he ask you out on a date?
Probably not. He looks so pretty, so he probably already has a partner. Plus he probably only wants to talk about the research.
You'd still have to ask him why all of the others in the research team weren't present today, had there been an alternate attack on the lab?
You groaned out in frustration, why does this all have to be so hard?
The drive to the restaurant was rather unpleasant, so you were glad you finally arrived at the restaurant. Gabriel was waiting for you at the entrance, he was wearing beautiful clothes that looked very expensive and they were in your favourite colour too! He was carrying his golden locks open, they softly moved with the wind when he spotted you and started smiling at you.
He looked so good with his hair untied...in the lab he had it tied up in a ponytail.
Why was he dressed so nicely?
Now you felt bad, you had come here in the same comfortable clothes from this morning, and your hair was a bit greasy since you hadn't showered.
Gabriel didn't seem to mind, he embraced you into a hug that you wished had lasted a bit longer and smiled at you even brighter than he had before.
"I'm so happy you came dear! Let's go inside before it starts to rain!"
He basically dragged you inside the restaurant, his cold hand tightly gripping onto yours.

As you were looking at the menu, your blood froze. It was all so expensive. What the fuck.

Gabriel seemed to notice the distressed look on your face and assured you that he would be paying for everything. How rich was this dude?
You didn't want to take anything too expensive so you took the 2nd cheapest item on the menu.
Gabriel ordered the same as you did and while waiting for you food, you talked with Gabriel about some pretty casual stuff.
All though it rather felt like an interview, Gabriel was asking question after question..but when you asked him something, he kept it short, not more than 2 sentences.
Finally your food arrived...you would've really enjoyed it, if it wasn't for Gabriel staring at you as if he was studying you.
His strong gaze made you feel like a deer in the headlights, almost as if he was reading your mind.
And almost as if he was reading your mind, his attention suddenly shifted down to his food.
After you finished eating, it started raining.
Great. Just great.
"I can drive you home, my dove, it's no big deal"
Huh? What did he just say?
"Friend. You're my friend." He said
"Need a ride home?"
Oh no....on one side, you didn't want to drive trough the rain with your bike, but on the other hand Gabriel might just being nice to get information out of you, since you were continuing a research illegally.
"Oh yes fine"
You didn't mean to say that.
Gabriel was just so pretty, like a painting, a living piece of art that you couldn't take your eyes off of him.
When you arrived at your house, Gabriel escorted you to the door of your house and kneed down in front of you and pressed a soft, cold kiss on the back of your hand.
But before you could react, he had disappeared with the cold breeze that was left behind by the rain.

Alt. Archangel Gabriel x Reader (gn)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt