{Log entry 4}

431 13 3

When you woke up, you were tucked into your bed, relaxing music blaring from the speakers in your room...you finally felt like you had some good sleep.
You went to the kitchen to get some food, and there was a huge bag on the table.
The bag was full of expensive clothes, a 500€ perfume....and a note saying "Sorry Baby x"
Sorry for what?
Ah! Wasn't there something, yesterday night?
You couldn't properly remember what happened...how weird.
You didn't have anything better to do, so you tried on the clothes, and they fit you almost perfectly, the perfume smelled heavenly.
Just who had sent this?
You headed off to work, you couldn't wait to meet Gabriel!
Today he wasn't outside, waiting for you like he usually was.
You let yourself into the building, looking for Gabriel so you could continue your research.
He wasn't there.
You had looked almost everywhere, you just couldn't find him.
You found yourself in the same hallway that you were in a few days ago. The hallway that led to Gabriel's room.
Before you knew it, you were touching the door handle to his room.
It was almost as cold as his hand.
So without a second thought, you pressed it down, opening the door to Gabriels room.
A cold breeze hit you as you walked into his room.
The walls were white, just like those of the hallway, and so was the bright white light.
His room was completely tidy and organised, it seemed to have multiple floors.
It was rather empty too. Just a few small decorations for a big room, accompanied by a big white staircase just as white as the walls.
There was a window, but it was completely blocked, letting no sunlight in. There was a blue flower in the corner, and it was well taken care of, unlike the other 2 flowers beside it.
You slowly made your way up the white stairs, afraid you'd somehow make them dirty.
When you arrived upstairs, you gasped in shock.
The room upstairs was a total mess, in complete contrast to the room downstairs.
There was a big bed and the wall beside it was completely covered with a black cloth, it seemed to be hiding a lot of pictures behind it.
You slowly approached the bed.
Soft snores.
There was someone lying in the bed.
His pretty locks were scattered across his white pillows, he was lying in a position you'd see people who are about to be buried in.
His chest, barely covered by his pjs, was raising up and down, slowly.
Up and down, up and down, up and down, .....
You looked back up to his face.
When he was asleep, he actually looked like an angel, he looked at peace, the gruesome aura surrounding him was gone. You took off your shoes and climbed onto the bed to get a closer look at his sleeping form. However, when you got closer, Gabriel mumbled something in his sleep and pulled you close to him with one of his arms.
You tried to free yourself from his arms, but nothing worked.
Why was he so strong? His arms were rather skinny...
It seems like you were stuck here, in snoring sleeping beauty's domain.
How were you supposed to explain what happened when he wakes up?

Alt. Archangel Gabriel x Reader (gn)Where stories live. Discover now