Cocoa and WHIPPED Cream*

Start from the beginning

Michael walked away, planning to get snacks. Charlie followed him like a little minion. I pulled out a Star Wars movie from my bag and sighed deeply. I always watched Star Wras with my dad, so it'll be difficult but I'm not a baby. I could hear their creaky footsteps in the hall. Silence rang through out my room and the pit in my stomach seemed to get heavier. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks and I curled into a ball. Stop it, Y/N, you're being a wimp, I told myself. I heard their footsteps approaching the room and I panicked. "We're back Y/-" I turned my head fast and started torwards the bathroom. "Uh- sorry, justa second." Ain't no way imma let them see me this way.

You quickly ran into the bathroom and turned on the water with a shaky breath. You washed your face with cold water and dried them on the towel. You took a minute to hear Charlie's conversation with Michael. 

"Why's she crying? I feel like I should check on her-"

"Oh, don't be silly, she doesn't even like you. She told me herself. She thinks you're ugly."

"And when did you guys even have a moment to talk together while I've been here?"

"Trust me, Mikey, we have our ways."

"Don't call me Mikey, Charlotte."


You hear Michael stand up and walk over to the restroom. You heard a gentle and faint knock on the door. "May I come in, Y/N?"


Oh my Lord, Charlie was annoying. She thinks I believe her stupid lies. I felt something in my gut telling me to check on Y/N, so I did. Such a gentleman, I know. I knew Charlie would also be jealous, so that was a win-win. Plus, Y/N was cute. Like, really cute. The way her H/C hair bobs when she laughs, and how her E/C eyes twinkle when she talks to people. I know why Charlie didn't like her. She felt intimidated. If it weren't for Charlies personality, she'd actually have friends, and maybe I'd be her friend. Too bad for her.

I stood up and walked over to the restroom door.  I softly knocked and barely whispered, "May I come in, Y/N?" I heard the lock turn and took that as my cue to come in. I know I've only known her for a bit, but it was hard to see her like this. Her mascara was smaered below her eyes and her eyes were a tint of red. Her cheeks were stained with tears. She formed a crooked half smile and enthusiastically said, "Oh, hey Michael!" I scoffed and got a couple squares of toilet paper and dampened them. "Y/N, you're not okay. You can talk to me, I promise I won't say anything." I walked up to her and gently cleaned off her ruined mascara with the cloth. She stuttered and eventually got out, "It's okay, it's really nothing, I'm just tired and stressed." I decided to lighten the mood and make a joke. "I'll fix you up with my pawpatrol bandaids!" She gently shoved my shoulder. "Oh yeah? I doubt they could do much." I chuckled and pointed to the band-aid on my shoulder. "This, darling, is a special addition!" As I gently cleaned her face, I could smell her sweet scent. Her smell was very nostalgic in a good way. She smelled of... Cocoa and cream. (like whipped cream I swear)

We both flinched as we heard Charlie's shrill voice come from the hall. "Dinner time, Mikey! What dad?..." A pause. "Oh, Y/N too, I guess." We both stood up and I took her hand and led her to the dining room. I turned and smiled, her flustered demeanor was draining away. I chuckled and took a seat next to Evan. 


Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. HE HELD MY HAND. LIKE ACTUALLY HELD IT. I immediately felt better and cursed myself for being so senstitive. I can keep it together. 

Oh man, the food looked good. I started eating and eavesdro- heard the conversation whispered between Elizabeth and Michael. 

"Ooooh, is she your girlfriend?"

"Lizzy! No! I just met her!"

"I bet you think she's soooo pretty and she smells good and her hair's soft and-"

"Shut up!" He hissed.

"You didn't deny it!" She giggled.

I laughed and Michael's face turned red. "You didn't hear that- did you?" I kept smiling and looking at your food, so Michael must've taken that as a yes. Charlie kicked my leg under the table, and I flinched. This girl has issues. Unfortunately, half of my face now looked like a broccoli swamp. Michael glared at her. "What the fudge was that for, Charlie!" Before I could react, Michael defended you. You felt your face get hot as the butterflies in your stomach started having sezuires. "Mikey, I didn't do anything!" Henry scolded Charlie, and she pouted. Her plan had definitely backfired on her. I stood up and walked to the kitchen sink, holding a paper towel under my chin. This is so humilating! Why do I have to put up with Charlie? Can she not tell this is a bad time?

A voice I hadn't heard all night suddenly spoke while I was washing my face in the kitchen. "Why don't you tell us about yourself, Y/N." I felt chills go down my spine. William looked up at me and everyone went silent. "Oh- I uh- F/H(favorite hobby). I also uhm, like F/A favorite artist).  Uhh, I used to go to church, but I never have time anymore, so I just watch the online services mostly." I stuttered a lot, but eventually got it out. "Interesting, Y/N. I heard from Henry that you're 17, and if you would like to, I could get you a job at Fazbear Family Diner." I thought about it in my head, and it would look pretty good on my college application. "Actually, Mr. Afton, I'll look into it." I said. I mean, I needed money, and I didn't see why not. "Great, we'll talk about more details later. And you can call me William."

As everyone finished their food, the two aldults excused everyone from the table. I was about to go with Michael in my room, but Elizabeth tugged on my shirt. "Play with me. And Evan." Before I could respond, she took my hand and led me into Henry's guest bedroom. Michael chuckled as I mouthed "Help me". Oh lord...

Liz sat me on the floor and sqealed, "Let's play truth or dare, Y/N!" 


Dazzling Haze|Michael Afton x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now