Chapter 176 - Into the Flames

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In response, Viviane caught Medrauta's eye and nodded, smiling to indicate that she was alright. Though she was still having a bit of trouble keeping up with her knight, Viviane decided to continue pushing herself until they had reached the exit of the mountain pass at the very least. After all, she knew slowing down any further would endanger them, and there was still one last row of cannonspawn waiting for them at the exit.

They were lined up in a neat row across the width of the pass, their barrels glowing a bright red as they prepared to fire upon Medrauta and Viviane the moment the pair came into range. Despite the ominous row of red lights, Medrauta continued driving toward the firing line, her sword at the ready as she stared confidently ahead of herself.

The cannonfire from the rear now began to fade as they drew closer to their destination, the writhing motions of the black substance coating the shield tower now clearly visible. Medrauta's muscles tensed in preparation as she and Viviane prepared to enter the firing range of the cannonspawn who were waiting for them ever since the beginning of their dash to the finish line. Viviane concentrated as well, focusing on maintaining her Crest more than ever.

While Medrauta's blade still glowed a bright silver, the power of the Lake was still one that she hadn't yet completely mastered. It was only through the infusion of the Lake's mysterious energy that the steel of her knight's sword was capable of clashing against the mana-forged ammunition of the cannonspawn so many times. Should she falter for even a moment, it would mean certain defeat.

Viviane's grip around Medrauta's hand tightened as they entered the cannonspawn's range at last, giving her knight a slight nod as the two of them darted forward. In response, the cannonspawn plunged them in a sea of fire, their barrels howling with the calamitous sound of thunder. Positioned in a straight line across the entire width of the mountain pass, the roar of the cannons echoed powerfully, reverberating against the rugged mountain slopes in a cacophony of chaos and destruction.

Yet, Medrauta did not falter even for a second.

In her right hand, she held her trusted sword that had carved through countless witchspawn and deflected hundreds of cannonballs thus far. In her left, she held the most important person to her. There was absolutely no way she could lose.

With a confident flick of her wrist, Medrauta issued the first sword stroke of many that would drive away the relentless waves of cannonfire so desperately directed toward her. Though the setting sun dyed the sky a deep crimson reminiscent of blood, her cerulean eyes blazed brightly with the color of daytime.

The deep blue that she had adored ever since she was a child. The azure shade of freedom.

Like an impenetrable shield, the glowing silver of her blade whirled in mesmerizing patterns as she continued her steady advance toward the firing line, their shots growing quicker and more desperate by the second. The closer she walked, the faster the cannonspawn began to fire. Yet, Medrauta did not panic, for those shots were futile and meaningless.

Sacrificing power for speed, the cannonspawn reloaded with only inferior ammunition now, firing as rapidly as they could in an attempt to score a lucky shot against the knight's seemingly impenetrable defense. They aimed primarily at Medrauta, though they sometimes fired at Viviane in the hopes of distracting the knight, an effort that only caused Medrauta to hasten her advance as her fury rose.

Every cut of her blade was exquisite, her accuracy unmatched even against the smallest and fastest of pellets. Again and again, the silver wheel of Medrauta's sword cut through the air with lightning-fast precision that saw her closing the distance between herself and the firing line until she had finally reached her destination at long last.

She stopped merely several feet from the closest cannonspawn, the embers of victory bright in her eyes.

"Viviane!" Medrauta roared.

Viviane nodded in response, closing her eyes and raising her hand in the air as she tapped into the mysterious power of the Lake. Though her knight had only said her name and nothing else, she understood Medrauta's intentions intrinsically.

As the symbol on Viviane's hand glowed brightly, Medrauta felt the power of the Lake rush through her like never before. It was violent and powerful, but much more controlled and concentrated than all the previous iterations.

She channeled it to her blade with ease, gripping tightly though the weapon no longer felt as if it would fly from her grasp. With a single swing, she unleashed a wave of silver energy toward the firing line. Shaped like the crescent moon, the wave of energy sliced through the air with a barely audible hum, decimating the entirety of the cannonspawn that stood in their way before it vanished into the air.

At last, the way to the shield tower had been cleared, but their journey hadn't ended yet.

The Spire towered over Medrauta and Viviane more than ever, their proximity to the capital now mere hours away. The black-cloaked shield tower stood ominously ahead of them, and before its gates stood the man who had once defeated Medrauta.

The black-clad knight pulled his immense greatsword free from the earth as Medrauta and Viviane approached him confidently.

"It seems we are ill-fated to meet again," the Walpurgisknight intoned.

"...So it seems."

Medrauta pointed her blade toward the knight even as he leveled the tip of his weapon toward her. Viviane nocked an arrow to her bow, ready to fire at a moment's behest.

The Walpurgisknight stepped aside, and the gates of the shield tower spread wide open.

At that very moment, Medrauta stumbled. Viviane's eyes grew wide.

"...No. It can't be," Medrauta murmured, clutching her head with one hand.

The Walpurgisknight advanced.

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