Peggy was walking along the halls, muttering to herself.

"Who dumped salt in your coffee?" a boy asked.

"Aw, is Barbie mad?"

"She's cute when she's mad."

"Okay, that's enough," another boy snapped.

Peggy looked up. It was the new kid. She turned away and put her books in her locker before slamming it shut and locked it.

Walking briskly down the hallway, another boy called, "Where you going, sweetheart?"

She'd had enough.

She whipped around and yelled, "Leave me alone! Why won't anyone just leave me alone?!"

The boy who had defended her said, "Follow me."

He led her to an empty classroom and looked at her. "Are you okay?"

Peggy shook her head. "They always do that."

"I don't think that's what this is about. If you don't mind me asking, is it about your mom? I noticed you get real quiet when she comes up."

Peggy sniffled and it was as though the entirety of her emotions exploded. "My mom is in hospice. She's fading quickly, and, and... I can't lose her. I can't!" She leaned against the wall and slid down as tears began to fall.

Dean, unsure of what to do or say, sat next to her. "I know what it's like to lose my mom."

Her lip quivered as she looked at him. "You do?"

"Yeah. My mom died suddenly when I was little."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I'm Dean, by the way."


"Old-fashioned name, huh?"

"My full name is Margareta, but no one calls me that."

Dean smiled. "Peggy suits you."

The two looked up, hearing the bell.

"First bell," Dean said. "We'll be late if we don't move." He stood and offered a hand.

Peggy accepted and smiled. "Thank you, Dean."

Dean nodded. "Anytime."

And little the two knew, a love story for the ages was born that day.


When Peggy lost her mother, Dean was there for her.

Though the two parted ways, they kept in touch.

And when they grew up, the two exchanged vows before a judge and God in a simple ceremony.

Then Dean's father didn't pick up any calls, worrying him. Peggy tried reassuring him, but it didn't ease his worry.

So, the two set off to find him.

But first, he wanted to make a stop.

That stop led them to a college town. And to someone.

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