Chapter 13

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                               Kailix's POV
I checked on Delilah. She was still sleeping. Her mom walked in first.

"Hey Donna."

"Hi Kai. How're all of you?"

"I'm good and the girls are sleeping."

"I wish, I could've stayed longer."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. Do you want to see Cass?"

"I'd love to."

I brought her over to Cassandra.

"Oh my."

"You can pick her up."

Donna bent down and picked Cassandra up.

"She is just absolutely precious. Oh wow. She looks just like you. Thank you for everything by the way. I don't remember the last time...Delilah's been this happy."

Cassandra opened her eyes and started looking at Donna.

"Mom? When'd you get here?"

"A few minutes ago. How do you feel?"

"I'm a bit sore. H-how is she?"

"She's okay. Don't worry."

"Mom? Can I have her?"

Donna walked over to Delilah. She handed Cassandra to Delilah.

"Hi again. I love you. You're so adorable."

I heard a familiar little voice.

"Uncle Kai!"

"Hey Sel!"

She jumped into my arms.

"Where's your mom and dad?"

"Over here. Barbra's having lunch with her mom."

"Can I see the baby now?"

"Yeah. She's right over here."

"Hi Miss. Donna!"

"Hi Selena. You don't have to call me "Miss". "Donna" is just fine."

"Oh! I'm just being polite!"

"I know. And you are. Your parents are raising you well."

"Hi Lily!!"

Selena climbed onto Delilah's hospital bed.

"This is Cassandra."

"Hi Cassie."

"Wanna hold her?"

"Can I?!"

"Mhm. Put your arms like this. Support her head and neck."

"She's so tiny! My mommy's about to have a baby too."


"Selena you weren't supposed to say anything!"

"I'm sorry. I got excited."

"How long has this been a thing?"

"A few days now. We were gonna wait to say anything since we wanted to make sure nothing would happen."

"Didn't we do the same thing?"

"Yeah. We did."

"When can I play with her?"

"Maybe once we get settled at home."

"What are you gonna do about school?"

"I'll stay home with Cass while Lilah goes to school."

Cassandra started crying.

"Aw come here principessa."

I walked over to Selena and picked Cassandra up.

"Did ma come by yet?"

"No. She should be here any minute."

"What about our brothers?"

"No. You're the first one."

"Damn. I wasn't expecting that."

Dawson's phone started ringing. He took it out of his pocket.

"Hold on. I'll be back. It's Nick. C'mon Lena. Let's go grab a drink or a snack. Let's go see what your uncle wants."


Selena jumped off the hospital bed. She walked up to Dawson and started holding his hand.

"We'll be back."

Dawson and Selena walked away.

"That little girl is so cute."

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