Chapter 10

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Delilah's POV
Me and Kailix got in his car and put our seatbelts on. He started the car then started driving. He put his hand on my stomach. He kept rubbing my stomach.

"Are you already obsessed?"

He smirked.

"Yes. I'm already obsessed with our little one. Do not worry about me and my music. I'll gladly take a break. I probably need it."

We got to my new school and he pulled up to the front doors. He kissed me.

"Bye my love. Be careful. I'll be around so call me if you need me. Be good to your mommy."

He kissed me again. I hopped out of his car.

"Bye Lixie! I love you!"

"I love you too. I love you so much."

He watched me walk into the building. I turned around and waved. He waved back then drove away.

Alright my little one.

Where's the main office?

I found someone and asked them to show me the main office. I didn't have to worry about gym since my class was in health for a bit.

Kailix's cousin started showing me around. I managed to figure out the building pretty quickly.

"Thank you. I'll get you if I need help."

"Of course!"

I walked to my first period class. I sat down at a desk. I felt eyes on me. I looked around. A girl waved and I waved back. Class started and my teacher walked in.

"Oh! You must be my new student. I'm Miss. Carter."

"Hi! I'm Delilah!"

I started adjusting to my new school pretty quickly and pretty easily.

It's been 16 weeks since...we found out I'm pregnant.

Kailix's face lit up when he heard that the baby was a little girl. I smiled because of how cute he looked.

He immediately came up with a name.

"Cassandra. That's what...we should name her."

I smiled then kissed him.

"That's perfect."

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