Chapter 27 - Pity Party

Start from the beginning


“Cissy I am not going to let you leave me.  I am not going to let you give up on us.  I will not lose you over this.  You promised me and I will hold you to that promise.  I love you Cissy and I will fight for you.” 

He was standing up with his fists clenched and his jaw tight but tears still ran down his face.  I had to stomp on the piece of me that desperately wanted to reach for him and comfort him.  I wasn’t ready for that. 

“I need to get dressed Joel.  I am cold.” I closed my eyes and forced myself to turn away from him. 

I felt a weight hit the bed and opened my eyes to find a pile of clothes.

“I found these.  They are clean.”  Then he turned and left the room.

I fell back into the bed and sobbed into the depths of the pillow.  Why?  Everything was going so well, why did this have to happen?   I knew he was waiting for me but I didn’t care.  I drowned in my own pity-party.  Only when I had no more tears to cry and I was dangerously close to being dehydrated did I pull on the clothing and try to pull myself together.

When I opened the door he was there leaning against the wall waiting for me.  His hands drew me in and before I could react he pressed me to his chest and kissed the top of my head.  Internally I battled with the Cissy that wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around him and let him comfort me.  Instead I twisted out of his grasp and continued into the living area of this house.  I stopped at the front door and waited.   I had no idea what was supposed to happen next.  Given my relationship experience at zilch, zip and nothing, this was new ground for me.

He put his arms around me again and slowly edged me to the sofa, “Let me hold you, I hate this.  I can’t stand not holding you.”  He gently sat me down still in his arms, “What is your favourite flower?”


“Just answer the question.”


“Really?   Not roses or orchids?”  I could hear him smiling.  “What colour Gerbera?”

“What are you doing?”

He smiled at me and answered me, “Hi, I’m Joel Anderson, nice to meet you.” He grabbed my hand and gave it a short shake while still holding me .  “So you are Francis King.  Because I am going to never leave your side I will call you Cissy.”

“No, really - what are you doing?”

“Since you don’t believe me, I am going to prove to you that I love you.  I am going to court you.”  He frowned a little as I shook my head at him.  “I hope the next dimension has a florist.  I don’t think Gerbera’s grow wild around here.”

I groaned softly. “Don’t Joel.  Just take me home.”

“No.  I love you and you love me.  We love each other and I won’t let that go.  You will forgive me Cissy because I am going to keep you to your promise.”

“No Joel.  This isn’t that easy.”


“Because it isn’t.”  I stood up out of his arms and walked over to the window. “When are we leaving?”

“What do you want me to do Cissy.  You tell me and I will do it.”

“Take me home.”

“I am working on that.  But I am still not going to let you go.”  His hand found mine and he led me out of the door.  “Yes, let’s go. I am hungry and this place is lacking florists and romantic restaurants.  Do you like dancing?  That’s what I will do, I am going to take you on a date.”

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