Like I'd Meant Something

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He looked at me

Like I was beautiful

Like I meant something

Like I was more than the pain I'd endured.

I didn't understand why

I just knew he made me feel like I wasn't alone

I've never met someone like that before.

Someone so nice,

So welcoming,

So sweet,

What a kind soul...

His mind feels like home and his smile is so pure

He makes the darkness that engulfed me years ago slowly fade overtime.

Little did I know that he'd become that darkness sooner or later

What a stupid move.

Becoming attached to someone I thought was home

I called him my home

And I've been stripped of my peace

Of my happiness

For the last time.

I hope he knows he took everything from me

My love

Mi amor

Моя любовь

Meine Liebe


Mo grá

My peace and my happiness.

That pure heart that was once whole

Now broken in pieces.

And im left to pick up the scraps.

For the last time I endure this again

I don't want to hold on any longer

I want to go cold

Detach myself from this forsaken world.

But I can't.

Not yet.

What'll my sister think?

If I left so soon?

What'll my dog think?

If his owner never comes home?

What'll my brother think?

If his oldest sister never gave him another hug?

What'll my friends think?

Knowing I gave in?

What'll my teachers think?

Living with the guilt one of their students died?

What'll Enzo, Kairi, or Ian think?

When I die and I couldn't be there for them?

These are all thoughts keeping me here

Keeping me with them.

Poetry Of A JournalistWhere stories live. Discover now