The worst of all

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I've always been a fast texter

Maybe it's because I'm always on my phone

Or maybe it's because I know the way some days I feel incredibly alone

So i can notice little switches when people's typing styles change

They go from typing emoji's to only a one word exchange

I try to keep the conversation going because I care about people I know

And they were responding so fast

It's weird now they're so slow

I only have a few people in my circle

Honestly I try to keep it pretty small

Friends thst i know would always pick up when I'd call

Every now and then, someone new would get an invite to join

And honestly, I'm pretty lenient. And that has hurt me alot in the past

Because they only answer when it's convenient

The undivine are the ex friends

People that you used to know so well

Because when you were really going through it

They could never tell.

The worst are the crushes

People you don't know very well

Because they might like you, but how can you tell?

Both of these categories, only test when your exciting

Because they want to be on thst list Of whoever you're inviting

To your inner circle

To your celebration

To be in the cround of your standing ovation

But the sad thing is

Before this all happened, they didn't care about you at all

Because on the list Of importance to their life

They labeled you as small.

And they have no idea you really wanted them around.

Not just when all those celebrations happened

But when you had breakdown after breakdown

But you love yourself fully, so you completely understand

Some people make the invitation list

While others get banned.

And some make a fool out of you,

You tell them you hate pickles, but because they like them you out them on your weekly grocery list

You tell them you hate country music

But heard one song that reminded you of them, now you have a Playlist full of them

You told them you'd been in love before

But after falling for you I'm not so sure that's true

I told you I don't give second chances

But you hurt me, and now I'm giving you 3rds and 4ths

I told you I didn't miss you after you left

But I lied

Because I really... really... really... fucking do.

Poetry Of A JournalistWhere stories live. Discover now