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Promises, promises, oh where do they begin?

In the heart, the mind, or the lips of sin?

We make them with the best of intentions,

To show that we care, to bring a smile to our friends,

But promises can lead to heartbreak too,

When they're broken, and dreams fade like mist,

And the pain of a shattered trust can cut like a dagger,

And leave us feeling lost and abandoned, like a lost sheep in the wilderness.

Yet let's not despair, for broken promises can teach,

To be true to our word and honor our commitments,

To not make promises that we can't keep,

And to always strive to do what's right,

For promises, promises, they are a reflection of who we are,

Our character, our values, and our moral standing,

They can build bridges of trust and hope,

Or tear relationships apart, leading to a breaking.

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