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In the realm of fragility and gleam,
Where beauty dances on a delicate seam,
Stands a creation both fragile and strong,
A testament to artistry, where brilliance belongs.

Oh, Glass! A wonder born from fiery art,
Transforming sand into a world apart,
Molten rivers, a symphony of grace,
Crafted by masters, with hands that trace.

See how it captures the light with such grace,
A prism of dreams, a reflection of space,
A vessel for secrets, both whispered and kept,
Through its translucent depths, mysteries are swept.

In its clarity, truth finds its way,
A glimpse of reality, it will display,
Yet within its surface, a duality hides,
A mirror to our dreams, where imagination abides.

A thing of fragility, that shapes our view,
A mere breath can shatter, its essence undo,
But oh, it perseveres, like a phoenix reborn,
From shards it rises, a testament, sworn.

Through time, it adorns our distant history,
In castles and palaces, a mark of victory,
A chandelier shimmering in a moonlit room,
Or a stained-glass window, casting colors in bloom.

But beyond its grandeur, let us not forget,
The simple glass, as mundane as can get,
A vessel for water, a window to the sky,
In everyday moments, its presence, nearby.

So let us cherish this marvel of creation,
A testament to human imagination,
For in Glass, we find resilience and grace,
A masterpiece of fragility, in all its embrace.

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