evolto(and friends) in......kill la kill(final part)

Start from the beginning

Jalter:tch obviously!....and when do I get to kill the one called freed you said that he will try to rape a girl right?

Evolto/me:yup, one who pretty has suffered abit like you

(Jalter raises her brow at this)

Jalter:how so?

Evolto/me:pretty much she was young priestess who has a sacred gear called the twilight healing which can heal just about almost any wound, the church took her in cuz of it, they made sure to use her gift to heal thier own or people they deemed important, though she found a person who was near the verge of death and healed them, but she didn't know that said person was a devil and so when the church found out they called her a witch and casted her out, even though the twilight healing can heal everyone, not just humans and angles...this is why I don't like the danm people who says they do that shit in the name of god...at that point they are just using his name as an excuse....not to mention the danm Excalibur project....and in most likely case....the so called fragment of their Excalibur are most likely fakes....and by lore as well it shouldn't even be in the church's hands...it was left to the lady of the lake...not made by god.....plus the God in thier universe is pretty much dead...though that ain't really God if he just upped and died in a war...beside....I met God before....and there ain't no way he can just up and died...if he created everything....he can unmake it too

Jalter:ok when we get there....drop me off at the church.....

Evolto/me:not yet....we got deprive them of their hope first

(Evolto is seen with a smile that radiates of insanity as he says this)

Evolto/me:besides....we got to make sure a certin pervert doesn't die first

The group(except for jalter):awwww man

(The group groans while jalter is confused)

Jalter:I'm sorry who?

Evolto/me:eh you'll see soon....just try not to burn him....

(Jalter just looks at him before walking away)

Tempest:wait we are doing it right now?

Evolto/me:yup and imma have to try something out...

Ryan:well whatever you going to do, make it quick

Evolto/me:oh yeah tempest go to rider room...you can use the game driver....I also left the Kiva gashat there for you to use

Tempest:fuck yeah!

(Time skip)

Issei:could you say that again?

(Yuma get close to him and wispers)

Yuma:I want you to die for me

(Issei was shocked and falls to ground as he see Yuma transforms into a fallen angle who real name is raynare)

(Note:I'm not typing what he was thinking in the show cuz it is just cringe)

Raynare:well I'll have to admit I had some fun today, considering how naive and childish you are things could have been much much worse, thanks alot for the gift too, very sweet....but even so

(She hold out her hand as her light spear appears)

Issei:Yuma wait please!

Raynare:it time to die!

(Just as she about to stab him)



(She was soon hit by a energy shot at the shoulder)

Evolto/me:tsk tsk! Playing with the young boy heart like that so you could kill him, how shameful~

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