Chapter 12: 60 Tarantino Street

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Trystan waits for Mr Attention to talk, but instead of Mr Attention, he hears the Voice of another guy who sounds drunk and dizzy, and he doesn't have a russian accent. "H-heyyy... Frankie... How-hows the thing going? Did... *Burps* Did you kill the two or not...? Huh, Frank?" The drunk guy on the call asks. Trystan just looks at Tails, confused. "Uh..." Trystan doesn't know what to say. "Hey-hey, I'm a little drunk, so... Just tell me quickly so I can go sleep." The drunk guy says. "...Um, who is this?" Trystan asks while trying to imitate A1's voice, whose name is now known as Frank. "It's me... Lucas..." The drunk guy says. "...Then why do I have you saved as "Boss"?" Trystan asks, still trying to imitate Frank's voice. "Uh... Maybe because my name is Lucas Boss..." The drunk guy says. "...Oh-OH YEAH... Yes... Lucas..." Trystan says. "Hey, you're sounding a little different, Frank." The drunk guy says. "Oh... Yeah, I got the flu. That's why." Trystan says and then does a couple of fake coughs. "You seemed fine an hour ago. You and I were drinking, you're weren't coughing or anything." The drunk guy says in a confused voice. There's an awkward silence for a couple of seconds. "No, no, I uh... I got it... "After" on the way here." Trystan tells Lucas. He's not even trying to imitate Frank's voice now because he already forgot that he was even imitating it. "Oh? That's weird. Well-well, it's a little cold tonight, so... So maybe it was that."Lucas says. "For real, for real." Trystan says and then looks at Tails. Tails has a confused look on his face, and he mouths the words, "Who are you talking to?" And Trystan does a zip the lip gesture to him. Tails just stares at Trystan and then goes and checks through the curtains of all the windows to see if anyone is approaching the building. "So, Frank. How's that Sawed-off I lent you?" Lucas asks. Trystan looks down at Frank's body awkwardly. "Uh... It works great. It's Lukkers." Trystan says and then covers his mouth. He accidentally let out his South African slang. Tails looks at Trystan in a panic and mouths the words, "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT!?" To which Trystan answers by mouthing the words "I DON'T KNOW!?" back to Tails. "Huh? What's that mean?" Lucas asks. "Uh... W-what does what mean?" Trystan panics and asks. "That word you just said... I never heard you say that before." Lucas says. "W-What word?" Trystan asks. "You just said something right now..." Lucas says. "...I think you're hearing things." Trystan tells Lucas. Lucas sighs. "Yeah... Ok I'll see you soon. I'm gonna go sleep now." Lucas says. "Ok... Ok, bye Lucas." Trystan says and then gives Tails a thumbs up, signaling to him that he successfully tricked the guy on the phone into believing he's Frank. "Bye." Lucas says and then ends the call. Trystan checks to see if the call ended, and then he does a long over exaggerated sigh and then looks at Tails. "WHO WERE YOU TALKING TO!?" Tails yells. "Lucas." Trystan tells Tails and then shakes the phone in his hand a little. "You said the contact was called "Boss." Tails says. "His surname is Boss." Trystan tells Tails. Trystan gives him a long blank stare. "...Are you serious right now..." Tails says. Trystan nods. Tails covers his face with his hands and sighs and then uncovers his face. "...Why did you go from imitating this guy's voice to just using your voice?" Tails asks. "Oh yeah... I forgot I was doing that." Trystan says with a chuckle.

"YOU FOR-" "Ey relax, he was drunk, so he would have believed anything. Oh, and this guy we just took out, his name is Frank." Trystan tells Tails. Tails looks down at Frank's body and then looks away in disgust and then back up at Trystan. "You're lucky whoever was on the phone was drunk." Tails points his finger at Trystan and tells him. "Relax... We're fine." Trystan tells Tails. All of a sudden, the phone starts ringing again. "Probably Lucas again." Trystan says and then looks to see what's the contact number. The contact number is named "Mr Attention", and Trystan's eyes widen when he sees this. "What?" Tails asks. "IT'S HIM! GET THE GUNS!" Trystan yells and then points at the Pistols on the workbench. Tails panics and runs to the workbench. Trystan turns around and looks down at the contact number. He panics but then he takes a deep breath, presses answer and then puts the phone to his ear. "...Is it done? Or are they making my money?" Mr Attention asks. Trystan's heart starts beating faster when he hears its actually Mr Attention. Another drunk Lucas would have been better. "Uh..." Trystan doesn't know what to say. Mr Attention instantly recognizes his voice. "...How did you get my guy's phone?" Mr Attention asks. Trystan stays silent for a couple of seconds when he realizes that Mr Attention knows this isn't Frank. "I... *Sighs* He's dead..." Trystan tells Mr Attention. "...Dead?" Mr Attention asks. "We didn't mean to. We got scared, and we fought back." Trystan panics and tells Mr Attention. "Wait, wait, wait... Stop talking." Mr Attention tells Trystan, and he immediately stops talking. "You two shrimps took out one of my guys?" Mr Attention says, not sounding mad, but impressed. "Uh... Yeah." Trystan says, in a confused voice. "...I'm impressed." Mr Attention says. "Uh... really?" Trystan asks. "No... Not really, only a little." Mr Attention tells him. "Oh..." Trystan says. "I never really had people fight against my men before. Only a couple, but none of them survived." Mr Attention tells Trystan. "Um..." Trystan doesn't know if he should talk or not. "So, did you make any of my money yet?" Mr Attention asks. "...We're trying." Trystan tells Mr Attention. "...Alright... Since you managed to survive one of my men... I'll help you out a little, but after that... Nothing else." Mr Attention says in an intimidating voice. Trystan nods his head. "Ok. Yes, thank you, Mr Attention." Trystan says in a thankful tone. "56 Quentin Street..." Mr Attention says and then cuts the call. Trystan slowly puts the phone down. "60 Quentin Street." He whispers to himself. "Tails I-" Trystan stops talking mid sentence when he turns around and looks down at Tails and sees him in his jacket and sunglasses, looking up at him. Trystan stares down at him for a couple of seconds in silence. "What? Are we safe?" Tails asks. "...You know, you look a little bit like that one guy from a movie... What was his name...?" Trystan says. "...Neo...From the Matrix..." Tails says in an annoyed voice. Trystan snaps his fingers. "Yeah, him. I never watched the Matrix." Trystan tells Tails. "Who cares? What did he say?" Tails asks in a scared voice. "...He said he was impressed that we managed to take out one of his guys." Trystan tells Tails. "Really?" Tails asks in a confused voice. "Ok, well, not really... He said only a little- Ok, why does that even matter? Anyways, I should be telling you that he said he'll only give us a little help. Then he told me something and then cut the call." Trystan tells Tails. "What did he tell you?" Tails asks. "What was it...? 60 Tarantino Street? Wait, no, that's the guy who made Pulp Fiction... Oh yeah. 60 Quentin Street." Trystan tells Tails.

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