Chapter 8: No money. Yes weapons

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5 minutes later, Tails and Trystan are back with Ray in his office. They're all sitting down at Ray's desk again. The gun that Tails used to kill Pig Patch is in the middle of the middle. Ray is drinking some more wine, and then he puts his glass down on his desk. "WOW, YOU GUYS WERE GREAT!" Ray yells. Trystan looks at Tails, who's sitting next to him. Tails is staring blankly into space, still thinking about what happened. "You ok?" Trystan asks Tails. Tails comes back to reality, and he slowly turns his head to Trystan and gives him a sarcastic look. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's not like anything traumatizing happened." Tails says in a sarcastic tone and then gives Trystan an angry look. "I'm just asking if you're ok." Trystan says. "HOW DOES A PERSON BE OK AFTER SOMETHING LIKE THAT HAPPENS TO THEM!?" Tails yells at Trystan. "Woah, woah. Woah. Guys, guys... The fights over... Chill." Ray tells the both of them and then leans back in his chair. Tails and Trystan looks at Ray. Tails obviously is not going to chill. "Oh, sure. I'm just going to calm down after taking a life..." Tails says to Ray. Tails spins around in his chair. "Wow, you win the fight, and you're angry, huh? That's a weird reaction." Ray says, then stops spinning in his chair and faces the both of them again. "He's not-" "IM ANGRY, BECAUSE I GOT TRICKED INTO GOING INTO A FIGHT PIT, AND... I HAD TO KILL SOMEONE!" Tails yells, cutting off Trystan. "I see." Ray says and nods in acknowledgment. "So... The money?" Trystan asks Ray. "Hmm?" Ray says, then looks at Trystan. "The money, how much did we win?" Trystan asks Ray. Tails crosses his arms and sits back in his seat. "It better be a lot..." Tails says in an irritated voice. "Well, um..." Ray says with a nervous chuckle as he puts his hands together and looks awkwardly to the side, slightly, and then back at the two of them. "What?" Trystan and Tails ask at the same time. "Well... You two didn't win anything." Ray tells them and then braces for Tails and Trystan's reaction. "WHAT!?" Tails and Trystan lean forward in their seats and yell at the same time. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, WE DIDN'T WIN ANYTHING!?" Tails yells in confusion. "Ok, Ray. What do you mean by that?" Trystan asks Ray in a confused voice, as well. "Well, you see now..." Ray says. "See what?" Tails asks. "You two bet on Pig Patch... But you killed him." Ray tells them. Trystan and Tails stay silent. They just want to hear what Ray has to say. "And the other fighter was supposed to be Lucky Gary... Not you two." Ray explains to them. Trystan leans forward in his seat. "So none of you two were official fighters. Your'll just got involved." Ray tells them. "...So how many people won money after this fight?" Trystan asks. Ray shakes his head. "No one. Because everyone bet on Pig Patch." Ray tells them. Tails and Trystan look at each other in confusion, then back at Ray. "You're saying no one bet on Lucky Gary?" Tails asks. "You really think people are gonna bet on a guy named 'Lucky Gary'?" Ray asks them with a slight head tilt. Trystan and Ray think about it for a second, and then they both slowly shake their heads. "Exactly." Ray tells them. "So you won all the money?" Trystan asks. Ray nods his head. "Yip." Ray says. "Then can you at least give us a cut from that money?" Tails asks Ray, hoping he'll agree. Ray shakes his head, which causes Trystan and Tails to get even more angry. "AWW!" Trystan and Tails both yell angrily. "I'm sorry guys, you should know that. All bets are final." Ray tells them. "You're really gonna pull that line out on us, Ray?" Trystan asks Ray in an irritated voice. "Guys... Listen... If any of the other guys out there find out that I gave you money. They are gonna come after me, and do I want that? No, no, I don't." Ray tells them. "They won't find out." Tails says. Ray looks at Tails. "Trust me... They will." Ray tells Tails while tapping the table with his index finger. "I can't believe we did all of this for nothing." Trystan says to himself in an annoyed tone. "Well, there is another thing I can help you with." Ray says as he looks at the both of them with a smirk. Tails shakes his head when he realizes what Ray is referring to. "Nuh-uh. No guns." Tails says while shaking his head. "I'm offering it to you." Ray tells Tails. Tails shakes his head again. "And we kindly decline the offer." Tails says. Trystan looks at Tails and then back at Ray, not knowing what to do or say. "Now listen here, Rails." Ray tells Tails. "...'Tails'" Tails corrects Ray, in an irritated voice. Ray rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Tails, listen here... You're gonna need weapons in a situation like this." Ray tells Tails and then looks Trystan. "We still have 6 days left." Trystan says. "Yeah, but how do we know if that "Attention" guy won't send someone early to take care of you two. You can trust him to stick to his word." Ray tells them, which gets them thinking. Trystan looks down at his lap and thinks about it, and Tails looks to the side slightly, thinking about it. Tails then looks back at Ray and sighs. "You have a point..." Tails says. "Yeah... I don't really think he's gonna wait one week without sending some of his guys." Trystan says. Ray snaps his fingers. "Exactly." Ray says. "But I don't want to shoot anyone..." Tails says. "You already did... like a couple of times." Trystan tells Tails. Tails gives Trystan the side eye with an annoyed and angry look, and then he looks back at Ray. "I'm not saying that you will have to shoot somebody... Well, for you, Tails, I'm not saying you have to shoot someone again. Ray says with a chuckle. Tails sighs and just stays silent. "So what are you saying?" Trystan asks Ray. "I'm just saying that having some protection is good. You don't have to use the gun, but at least you'll feel safe knowing you have one for protection, right?" Ray asks them. "Yeah...?" Trystan and Tails look at each other, slightly confused, and say at the same time. "See, you two get it." Ray says with a smile. "So we won't have to use them?" Tails asks. "I didn't say you won't have to use them. I'm saying you might have to use them... Emphasis on 'might'." Ray tells them. There's just silence for a couple of seconds. "Where are these weapons?" Trystan asks. Ray smiles, and he gets up from his desk and walks to a small painting frame on his wall.

The painting is an open field with a small red barn in the middle of it. The sky is orange-yellow, and the sun is setting.

Trystan leans over his seat to whisper to Tails. "Don't tell me he's gonna open a secret door." Trystan whispers to Tails. "I think he is." Tails whispers back to Trystan, still looking at Ray. Ray puts his hands on the painting, and he tilts he tilts it to the right twice. Twice to the left. Two to the right. And twice to the left again. After that, he lets the painting go, and it snaps back into its straight position, and then a small section of the wall moves outward and slowly slides to the right. Like a door. "Do all the secret doors in this place get opened with tilting paintings?" Tails asks Ray. Ray puts his hands on his hips and turns around to look at them. "Kinda." Ray says, then gestures towards the secret doorway with his head. "Come on." Ray says and then walks through the doorway. Tails and Trystan look at each other, and then get up from their chairs and walk towards the doorway. They step inside behind Ray, and it's pitch black inside. Ray flicks a switch, and the lights quickly turn on, filling the room with light. Trystan and Tails shield their eyes from the sudden brightness. Ray looks at them. "Welcome to my armory." Ray says. Trystan and Tails unshield their eyes, and finally, they can see. "Woah..." Trystan and Tails say at the same time as they look around the room. It's kind of small, but it has a decent amount of weapons in it.

The left side of the room holds up different types of pistols and sub-machine guns. The right side of the room holds up some assault rifles and some shotguns. The wall in front of them holds up some more one-handed weapons, and then in the center of the room are crates filled with all the ammo for each weapon and a couple of bullet-proof vests

Trystan and Tails stand where they are and look around the room. Ray walks to the left side of the room, and then they follow him. Ray crosses his arms and looks at the both of them with a smile. "Well... Pick something." Ray tells them and then steps aside for them to choose a weapon. Trystan and Tails look at the wall. There's quite a decent amount of one-handed weapons here. "I got a good range of one-handed weapons on this wall. 1911's, Glocks, revolvers, Tech-9's, Mac-10's. Pick anything you like, I won't charge you... This time. Ray says with a chuckle. Trystan looks at the Tech-9 and slowly grabs it, and examines it. Then he chuckles and looks at Tails. "Hey, Tails. Gta San Andreas." Trystan says as he shakes the Tech-9 in his hand a little. Tails looks up at Trystan. "The Tech-9 was in Vice City before San Andreas, you know." Tails tells Trystan. Trystan's smile goes away, and he just looks at Tails with a blank expression. "Yeah... But like... It's more iconic in San Andreas." Trystan tells Tails. "Hmph... I don't remember asking." Tails says with a chuckle and then looks back at the weapon wall. Trystan puts the Tech-9 back where he took it from and looks for something else. Tails looks up and sees a Magnum. "Hey, Trystan... Could you grab me that Magnum." Tails says as he points up at the Magnum. Trystan looks up, grabs it, and then hands it to Tails. "Ooh, the
.357 Magnum. That's a pretty powerful gun right there." Ray tells Tails. Tails examines the weapon carefully. "I don't recommend someone like you to use that. Unless you can handle it?" Ray asks Tails. Tails looks at Ray and then back at the Magnum. "...It is a bit heavy." Tails tells Ray. "Yeah, try getting something more lightweight. For example... The gun you used before. The 1911." Ray says as he walks up to the weapon wall, standing in between Trystan and Tails and grabs a 1911, and holds it out to Tails by the barrel. Tails eyes exchange looks from the gun to Ray's face a couple of times, and then he slowly takes it and gives Ray the Magnum, which he puts back on the wall. "It's perfect for someone like you." Ray tells Tails. Tails stays silent, and he just examines the weapon. Trystan grabs a Desert Eagle and aims down the sight. "Aww, man, I can imagine diving in slow motion and shooting a bunch of bad guys with this thing." Trystan says, with a chuckle. Tails looks up from his gun and up at Trystan. "Ok then, Max Payne." Tails says jokingly and then looks back down at his gun. "You're really gonna take that? I mean, it's good. But it's pretty overkill for a weapon that's only gonna be used for protection." Ray tells Trystan. "Hmm..." Trystan says and then puts the Desert Eagle back on the wall. "Then what should I use?" Trystan asks Ray. Ray shrugs his shoulders. "Well... I'd say the 1911." Ray says. "You offered the same thing to us before." Trystan tells Ray. "And I'm offering it again." Ray says and then grabs a 1911 from the wall and holds it out to Trystan from the barrel. Trystan looks at the gun in Ray's hand, and then he takes it. Ray claps his hands together. "Great. You two are officially armed." Ray says with a smile as he exchanges looks at the both of them. Trystan and Tails then look at the wall opposite them with the assault rifles and shotguns. "What about the bigger weapons?" Trystan asks. "Oh, no, no, no. That's off limits, and you don't need anything like that." Ray tells them. "Fair enough..." Trystan says.

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