Chapter 11: Uninvited guest

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"You deserved that." Tails tells Trystan, and then turns around and starts walking out of the alleyway. Trystan puts his leg down and looks down at it. "Aww, man. You're small, but you kick hard." Trystan says in a slightly surprised voice. Trystan then walks to Tails side. He limps and walks for a couple of seconds, but then he starts walking normally again. They both walk out of the alleyway and look around. "Just call the Uber." Tails tells Trystan without looking at him. Trystan pulls out his phone and goes on the Uber app. "...The nearest guy here is the same mole from before." Trystan tells Tails. Tails looks up at Trystan. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Tails yells. Trystan pulls down his bandana. "Well, what else are we gonna do?" Trystan asks Tails. "Uh-We... Never mind." Tails says, giving up on thinking of another way to get back home. After a couple of seconds, Trystan sorts out the Uber. "All right. He'll be here in 7 minutes." Trystan tells Tails and then puts his phone down to his side. "7 MINUTES!?" Tails yells in confusion. Trystan looks down at Tails and nods. "How is that the closest Uber to us?" Tails asks. Trystan shrugs his shoulders. "I donno, I guess it's because a lot of the Uber drivers are asleep at this time." Trystan says. Tails just gives Trystan an annoyed look and goes and leans against a light pole. "I'm so tired..." Tails says in a slightly tired voice, and his eyes slowly begin to close. Trystan watches Tails fall off to sleep. He walks up to Tails and kneels down in front of him. He waves his hand in front of Tails face. "Tails..." Trystan whispers to Tails, trying to stop him from sleeping. Tails doesn't answer. His eyes are closed, and he's basically asleep now. Trystan grabs Tails by his shoulders and shakes him awake. "TAILS!" Trystan yells. Tails instantly wakes up in shock. "WHAT!? WHAT!? Where am I...?" Tails asks with his eyes slightly closed and he looks around and then at Trystan. "You're sleeping." Trystan tells Tails and then stops holding him by his shoulders. "I'm tired..." Tails says and then slowly begins to close his eyes again. "I'm also tired, Tails. But you have to stay awake now. We can sleep when we're out of here." Trystan tells Tails. Tails opens his eyes slowly and rubs his right eye with his right hand. "Aww, come on... Just a couple of minutes..." Tails says, in a more tired voice. Trystan sighs and then stands up and looks down at Tails. "Fine. Don't fall down, though." Trystan tells Tails and then pulls out his phone to see how much longer they have until the Uber arrives. "...6 Minutes... Great." Trystan tells himself in an annoyed and also slightly tired voice. He looks back down at Tails and sees him asleep against the pole again. Tails must be really tired. Trystan sighs and just looks up at the sky. It's pitch dark, and there's a lot of stars out. Out of nowhere, a shooting star quickly goes by, and Trystan gasps at how cool it was. "Tails, did you see that. A shooting star." Trystan says and then looks down at Tails. Tails is fast asleep. He quickly slides off the pole and hits the ground. "OH, ok, I think it's time for you to wake up now." Trystan says and then walks up to Tails body.

(Next scene)

Trystan and Tails are in the Uber going back home. Tails is still tired, but he tries to stay awake. "We meet again." The Uber driver says with a chuckle as he drives. Tails yawns. "Indeed we do." Tails says in a tired voice. "So, detectives. How'd it go?" The Uber driver looks at them through the rear view mirror and asks and then looks back at the road. "It was good... Stuff definitely happened." Trystan says while rubbing the back of his head and then looks at Tails. Tails gives Trystan an annoyed look and then looks at the Uber driver. "It was just a regular day's work." Tails tells the Uber driver. Trystan chuckles. "Yeah, if you can call it that." Trystan says, jokingly while looking out of the window. "Sounds like you two found it pretty boring." The Uber driver says. Trystan exhales. "No, no. I wouldn't say boring." Trystan says. "Then what would you call it?" The Uber driver asks. There's silence for a couple of seconds. "I'll just say exciting, but not in a good way." Trystan tells the Uber driver. "What's that supposed to mean?" The Uber driver works. "That's kind of classified." Tails says out of nowhere. "Ooh. Classified... That sounds really private." The Uber driver says and then takes a right turn. "Yeah, it is." Trystan says. "And because of that. We'd like that you do not ask any more questions about it, please." Tails adds to Trystan's sentence. "Oh, ok, ok. Don't worry, I'll stop with the questions." The Uber driver says, and then he keeps quiet. "Great." Tails says, and then holds the corners of his eyes with his thumb and index fingers.

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