Part 11

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God...Where is it?! I was walking around the university, trying to find my recitation room, but in the end, I got lost...

I was starting to panic, thinking that I was going to be late on my first day of school. But the thoughts left me when I heard someone call my name. I turn around and see Gabriel with his group of friends walking towards me. "Gabriel?" I nearly whisper. He came up to me and game me a peck on my forehead. "Are you lost?" he asks looking around the hallway. "Um, yeah but what are you doing here?" I furrow my eyebrows looking up at him.

He looks down, making eye contact with me as a small grin appears on his face. "Surprise" he says, and that's when it hits me. "Wait. You are studying business too?" my eyes widen to which he laughed and nodded his head. A wide smile made it's way onto my face. "Omg...OMG!" I squeal and jump onto his arms, wrapping my own around his neck.

He chuckles a little putting me back down and turning me towards his friends. "This is Daniel" He points to a the first, he wasn't tall as the rest and wasn't all build up like everyone else. He had extra weight, he was wearing a shirt with dark blue jeans. He also had a backpack on his back and glasses which made him look cute. He waves at me with a kind smile and I do the same thing.

"This is Antonio" Gabriel points to the second guy standing beside Daniel. He was tall, you couldn't call him skinny or masculine, he was somewhere in the middle. Blond hair, blue eyes and every kind smile. Why do all of these boys have kind smiles?

Antonio held out his hand to shake it, but when I was about to shake it, he grabbed my hand, pulling me into him. "It's very nice to finally meat the girl Gabriel can't stop talking about" he said while hugging me. I returned the hug "same here".

"So you've met two of my close friends, others are studying different majors" Gabriel tells me, pulling me back and hugging me. I let out a small "oh" and nodded my head lightly. "So, shall we go?" he asks all of us and we just nod. "okay" he mumbles.

We get there and see a free place in the middle so we all go there and take our seats. I noticed that some girls where staring at Gabriel which caused me to be a little jealous  but I tried to hid it. "Don't worry. None of them are interesting t me. You're the only one I want" I didn't even notice when Gabriel leaned in so he caught me off guard. I give him a small smile and whisper a "I know" back.

Finally the professor came in and we started our lesson. As usual, he introduced him self and then he carried on with the lesson, telling us what was important in business and ect. All during the first half of the lecture I felt one guy staring at me. It was kind of uncomfortable to say the least . All of the sudden I feel a hand on my thigh. I quickly turn my head to look down and see that it was Gabriel. I look at him confused not understanding what he was doing while he was just facing forward and listening to everything that the professor  was saying.

I look back to see that Antonio and Daniel didn't pay attention to us so no one saw what Gabriel was doing at the moment. I try to pay attention and listen to the professor when Gabriel started to move his hand up my thigh, stopping near my panties. My head quickly turns towards him and my eyes widen.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper yell at him. He turns his head to look at me and now his full attention was on me. He leaned in so close that I could feel his minty breath on my face. "I don't know what you are talking about" he says as he starts to rub his fingers against my clothed clit. I start blushing and quickly grab his hand, moving it away from me.

"Now what the hell do you think you're doing?" I playfully glare at him. He just shrugs , turning back towards the professor. I move my gaze to look all over the place seeing the guy that was staring at me, now clenching his jaw.

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