Part 4

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I was sitting on my bed checking on my laptop if I got into the university I've always wanted to go to and applied to. I wanted to study business  like my mom and maybe open my own company in the future. I look at my laptop, scared to check, but I knew that I had to. I open my email and start reading. "Omg..." I look at the screen in shocked by what it said. "I got in...I GOT IN!" I yell with happy tears running down my face. "WHAT?!" I hear my mom running up the stairs as she barges into my room. "I got in mom". She comes up to me hugging me. "I'm so happy for you" she says. "WE SHOULD CELEBRATE! How do u feel about spending the day with me, maybe a little shopping?" she asks as she walks out of my room. "I'd love to. I'll be getting ready".

I call Niki to tell her the happy news. Niki wants to study medicine so she's going to another university. "Hi" I hear her happy voice. "Guess what" We say at the same time which causes us to giggle. "Okay lets say it at the same time.1..2..3"


"OMG I'M SO HAPPY FOR U" she yells. "ME TOO! I going to spend the day with mom so I have to get ready. I just wanted to tell you the news". "Okay have fun. Love you!" "Love u too bye". I finish the call and search through my wardrobe what i should wear. It was quite called today so I decided to go with a skirt and a hoodie.

"Mom, I'm ready. What about u?" I downstairs seeing my mom putting on her shoes. "Me too. Could u please get the bag which has all Milo's stuff in it? I forgot in in the living room". "Of course" I say going to grab it. "Thank u". We walk up to her car and I open the back door for Milo to get in. Then mom and I get into the car and drive to the mall.

We walk into the mall going through different stores. I ended up getting new sweatpants and a hoodie. My mom got herself a new shirt and a dress. After a while we decided to get iced coffee and some donuts with us and go to watch the sunset.

We arrived to the beach and sat our blanket with our stuff. Milo is running around us, full of excitement wanting to go into the water. "Mom, did we bring Milo's towel?" I ask looking through the bag filled with his stuff. "Oh yeah! We forgot it at home so I bought him a new one wile we were at the mall" she takes it out of her bag, it was pastel green and the next thing I see is a bright blue rob with small ducks on it. "Omg that's so adorable" I chuckle taking it from her and  walking closer to the water, Milo running right behind me. We played around for about an hour and went back over to my mom. Milo was a bit disappointed but he was very cold so I put the new rob on him and sat him beside us on the blanket. Not long after he fell asleep.

Mom and I were talking and eating donuts with our iced coffee while watching the sunset. "I didn't want to tell u this because I didnt want to ruin your mood, but i think u should know this" she says with a sad smile on her face looking at the sunset.I turn to look at her, concern written  all over my face. "Whats wrong?" I see the hesitation on her face, she sighs and starts speaking. "It's about your father... He was released from the prison yesterday night". I look at her not knowing what to say. A lot of thoughts running through my mind. "I... I dont know what to say...Omg.. I'm so sorry. U can't stay here. I'm leaving for uni but u can't stay here all on your own" I start to panic a little but I try to keep myself together just for her.

"I was thinking... Maybe I should just move with u? We could get a new house for us. It's closer and you wont need to travel to far when you'll be coming home on the holidays. What do u think?" she asks looking at me and then at Milo. "Thats a great idea. I'll help u with the preparations and we wont have to see him. I promise u that" she hugs as I whisper o her that everything is going to be okay. Milo wakes up and sees as we are hugging, he starts to jumps into our arms asking for some cuddles. We laugh at how cute he is and look back at the sunset.


Before we went back home we stopped at target to get some groceries. I sat Milo on the cart as we start walking around target. I tell my mom that I'll go get some stuff I need for skin care and pads as I walk away. I stand in front of all the skincare products searching for the one last facial mask that I needed. When I finally found it I notice that its on the highest shelf. I stand on my tippytoes trying to reach it as I see someones hand reaching it with ease. I turn aroung only ti see the person I didn't expect to see. "Gabriel...".

"Hi cutie" he says smiling at me and giving me the mask. "Thank u so much, what are u doing here anyways ?" I ask looking up at him. "I just came here with my friends to grab some things. What about you?". "I was spending the day with my mom and we ended up coming here to get some groceries and a couple of other stuff" I say as we both turn around to see 3 tall guys coming up to us. "There you are! We were looking everywhere for you" one of them says looking between us. "And who may that be" he asks turning his full attention to me.

"Hi, I'm Emily" I answer his question with a small smile on my face. He smirks looking at Gabriel "a friend of yours?". "Yeah... we met through Chase. She's his sisters best friend. Emily, this is Andrew.." He point at the guy with dark skin and a buzz cut. "Hey" he waves at me "This is Able..." he points at a tall light skinned with red hair boy. He nods at me and I smile at him. "And the guy that was just talking to u is Andrew" he points at the guy that was just talking t us. He was tall, almost as tall as Gabriel is, blond hair and hazel eyes. "It's nice to meet you" he says waving. "It's nice to meet you all but I need to get back to my mom. We're leaving soon". "I'll walk you back" Gabriel says as I wave to the guys and they wave back at me.

"There's my mom" I point at her and she notices us and starts walking up to us. "Emily, you finally came. Who's this?" She asks. "This is Gabriel. I told you about him before". "Oh right! It's nice to meet you, I'm Isabella. "It's very nice to meet u too ms. Diaz". he shakes her hand, but instead she pulls him into a hug "oh please, call me Isabella" they smile at each other. "It was very nice seeing you but I need to get back to my friends. Emily.." I turn to face him. "Would u like to hang out with me tomorrow? That's if you're not busy..." he scratches the back of his neck looking at me. "I don't know I- "Of course she can". My mom answers instead of me. "But mom, what about the preparations? You need my help". "It's just for a day! I can prepare some stuff alone".

I turn back to Gabriel "In that case...Yes, I'd love to hang out with you". "Okay then. I'll Text u later. Bye". "Bye" he walks off as I see my mom staring at me with a proud smirk on her face. "What?" I chuckle at her "Baby, he's so hot! I need to know more about him!" her eyes spark with excitement as she claps her hands.I laugh at her as we walk to the checkout.

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