Part 6

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"Okay... I think I packed everything" looking around my room, checking if I forgot anything I notice that I forgot to pack my teddy. "OMG I'm so sorry" I walk over to him and pick him up, putting him inside one of the boxes. "Okay... now I'm done" smiling I starts picking up the boxes and taking them downstairs one by one.

Mom walks into  the hallway with her own boxes. "You done?" she asks placing them down near our cars. "Yup, just have to get the rest boxes here and I'm going to put them inside the car". She nodes and looks at the car with a sad expression. "Mom? Are you ok?" I walk up to her and hug her. "I'm fine sweetheart, just a little sad that we need to move. It was a nice house". "It sure was... But hey, lets not think about the sad part, we have a beautiful home waiting for us and a bright future a had of us" smiling I hug her tighter and she laughs. "Thats my baby" she says hugging me back.

"Okay. Let's go get our stuff" she runs off into the house to go get everything else. I laugh at her and go to do the same thing. As I walk into my room I pick up my last box and before walking out I look back and with a smile on my face I walk out.

We get into our cars and start to drive. Milo is sitting beside me and wiggling his tail with excitement. I giggle at his reaction and in the same time I get a call which causes my smile to spread.

"Hello princess"

Oh that voice...

"Is that my nickname now?" I ask giggling at the nickname. Deep down I actually really liked it.

"Indeed it is princess. Are you excited?" He chuckles at my giggling state.

"I'm very excited"

"Okay I was just checking on you. I'm packing my stuff at the moment, I got into the uni I wanted"

"Omg congratulations! I'm so happy for you" I cant help but grin at how proud i feel. "Oh and what was the uni you got into".

"Princess I need to go, text me when you get there. Drive safe"  He ignores my question but I didnt really mind it.

"Bye" I whisper before hanging up. sighing I look at Milo, who is now sleeping peacefully on the passengers seat.

We've been driving for 2 hours and stopped gas station to buy some snacks and coffee. After we payed for our stuff we were standing outside, eating and watching Milo running around. "So what got you so happy about?" I look at her with a confused expression. "I donr know what you are talking about" I trail off looking back at Milo, calling him as he runs up to me and starts eating his food. "Oh come on Emily you look like a small girl who just got the biggest barbie doll house in the world" I blush a little looking down.

"Umm Gabriel called me..." I see the biggest smirk on her face. Omg I'm going to look like a tomato."Oooh, and what did he say?" she asks not taking her eyes of me, which causes me to blush even more. "Um...Well..He just asked how I was and if I'm excited. And he told me to drive safe" I mumble, starting to play with my fingers looking down at them.

She doesnt say anything and just smiles looking strait a had. After awhile she asks "You like him dont you?" I chock on my coffee looking back at her. "What made you think that?" I ask still looking at her. "Oh sweetheart I can read you like a book, you are m daughter" I look back down and sigh. "I dont know... He is very nice ad all... and kind" she just looks back at me and smiles. I"m very happy that she decided to drop the topic.

Do I really like him?

"You finished? If yes than lets go" I just nod and we start walking back to our cars.


We decided to spend the night in a near by Motel. Not the best place for me not gonna lie but oh well, what can I do? It's not like we have a choice. It's rather sleep in the car or a motel with a bed. Of course we chose the bed.

Walking up to the front desk I see an old woman who doesn't look really pleased that she has 2... No, 3 new visitors if we count Milo. "Good evening, I'd like to -". "If you are taking your dog with you, you'll have to pay for the dog too" she cuts me off not even sparing a glance. "Ummm... yeah sure. I'll do that" I say my mood changing immediately after i heard her harsh tone. I see my mom getting ready to snap at her and her rude behavior  and I stop her before she does.

"We'll take one room with 2 separate beds" i say trying to stay as calm as I could  because I was tired  as hell and need sleep. And now this lady is starting to piss me off. She just rolls her eyes at me and types down all the info in her computer before giving us the key. I just take it withought saying anything and we start to head over to our room. When we enter we see a picture which I expected to see. The walls were a dirty beige color and the floor was made of old red wood which was probably covered in paint more than a hundred times. There were two medium size beds with thankfully new sheets. beside each bed there were small bedside tables which had small lamps, which barely gave any light.

"Great" my mum mumbles under hear breath walking over to one of the beds and laying down. "At least there are new sheets" she says as I just look around nodding and starting to walk over to another bed. "Yeah, I guess" I mumble looking down at the sheets and falling down on the bed. "I feel sleepy" I mumble into the sheets. I don't hear a response, so I look over to see that my mom is already fast asleep. I smile and see Milo trying to climb up my bad. I pick him up, placing him beside me.

I was close to falling asleep when I get a text from Gabriel.

Goodnight princess

I smile and text him back saying good night. After that I put my phone on the nightstand and turn off the lights. Turning to my right side I close my eyes and eventually fall asleep.



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