Tears welled up in Jaekyung's eyes, mingling with a mixture of relief, love, and an overwhelming sense of longing. He whispered Dan's name, the sound carrying the weight of all the unspoken words and emotions that had accumulated during their time apart. In that tender moment, the world around them seemed to fade into insignificance, leaving only their connection as an anchor in a sea of uncertainty.

Dan pushed his hug away, a clear indication that he wasn't ready to engage in a conversation just yet. The hurt in Dan's eyes was evident, and it was clear that he was still upset. He walked away from Jaekyung and started fixing the table.

Jaekyung made his way towards Dan and tried to engage him in conversation. "Sweetheart, can we talk? I've been trying to reach out to you," Jaekyung pleaded, his voice filled with a mix of urgency and concern.

Dan let out a deep sigh, torn between his work obligations and the urgent need to address the situation at hand. He ran a hand through his dishevelled hair to calm his racing thoughts. "Jae, I'm swamped with work right now, and I have customers waiting for me. Can we discuss this later?" he replied wearily, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

Jaekyung's face fell, disappointment written all over his features. But he nodded reluctantly, understanding the weight of Dan's responsibilities. "Of course, I'll wait for you," he said, finding a nearby seat and attempting to blend in with the other customers.

But as Jaekyung sat at the table, his eyes never left Dan's form. He couldn't help but notice how tired and worn down Dan looked, his once bright eyes now dulled with fatigue. Concern flooded Jaekyung's heart as he watched Dan struggle to fulfil his duties, every movement seeming like a struggle.

Suddenly, amidst the hustle and bustle of the bar, the vibrant atmosphere turned into a blur of chaos and confusion. Time seemed to slow down as Dan's body gave way, his legs buckling beneath him, and he collapsed onto the hard, unforgiving floor. The clatter of glasses and the hum of conversations faded into the background, replaced by an eerie silence that hung heavy in the air.

Shock and disbelief washed over the patrons nearby, their faces etched with concern and alarm. But for Jaekyung, it was as if the world had narrowed down to a singular focus. Ignoring everything else around him, he swiftly moved towards Dan's side, his heart pounding in his chest, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of worry and fear.

"Sweetheart, wake up!" Jaekyung's voice quivered with a mix of panic and desperation as he knelt beside his fallen lover. Gently, he placed a trembling hand on Dan's shoulder, desperately seeking any sign of responsiveness. His touch was tender yet urgent, willing a flicker of recognition, a glimmer of consciousness from the man he loved so deeply.

Dan's eyelids fluttered, a slight groan escaping his lips as he struggled to regain his bearings. His features contorted in pain, his brow furrowing, revealing the intensity of the situation. Jaekyung's heart clenched at the sight, his own distress mirrored in his wide, worried eyes.

A crowd began to gather around them, their voices murmuring with concern, offering help or assistance. But Jaekyung remained fixated on Dan, their connection unyielding amidst the chaos. He gently cradled Dan's head in his arms, providing support and reassurance in that moment of vulnerability.

In that critical moment, Jooha swiftly emerged from the crowd, his eyes widening in shock and worry as he took in the scene.

Pushing through the gathering crowd, Jooha reached Dan's side, his breath quickened, and concern etched deep lines on his forehead. The bar's manager trailed close behind, his expression filled with a mixture of worry and responsibility, his mind racing to ensure the well-being of his employee.

"Dan! What happened?" Jooha's voice quivered with a blend of fear and urgency as he knelt beside his best friend. His hands trembled slightly as he tried to assess the situation, his eyes searching for any signs of responsiveness.

Belong to him - Jaekyung/Dan18+Where stories live. Discover now