Ch.21 Confessions and Realisation

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Heesung's voice trembled slightly as he spoke, his eyes filled with sincerity. "Dan, I prepared these as my way of expressing how much you mean to me," he confessed, his voice laced with vulnerability.

"I've realized that my feelings for you go beyond friendship... I've fallen in love with you."

As Heesung confessed his love, Dan was taken aback, his mind struggling to process the unexpected revelation. He had never entertained the thought that Heesung might have romantic feelings for him, and it came as a shock.

Over time, Dan had moved on from any previous attraction he may have had toward Heesung, and their friendship had settled into a comfortable rhythm. He had thought that their bond was strictly platonic, and the idea of Heesung harbouring romantic feelings caught him completely off guard.

Stunned and searching for words, Dan finally responded, "Heesung, I honestly didn't expect this."

"Dan, you don't have to respond."

"Heesung, before I respond, I need to tell you something."

"Heesung, I'm deeply touched by your confession, and I appreciate your sincerity. But I can't date you because I'm already in a committed relationship with Jaekyung."

His heart aches for the pain he knew Heesung must be feeling. He understood the disappointment and longing that accompanied unrequited love and wished he could spare Heesung from that.

Dan's mind flashed back to a memory from their high school days. He remembered the Valentine's Day when he had mustered the courage to confess his feelings to Heesung, only to be interrupted by Ella, who had confessed her own feelings to Heesung before he had the chance to speak.

A sense of déjà vu washed over Dan, the memories of that past moment intertwining with the present. He couldn't help but feel a strange combination of surprise and irony as if history were unexpectedly repeating itself.

Feeling a mix of emotions, Dan found his voice and said, "Heesung, it's strange. I actually had feelings for you back in high school."

Heesung's eyes widened his expression a mixture of surprise and realization. "Dan, I had no idea," he confessed, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and regret. 

"I was planning to confess on that Valentine's Day, but then Ella confessed to you before I could talk to you. It feels like déjà vu, but things have changed since then."

"I wish I had known back then. Things might have turned out differently."

Dan shook his head, a bittersweet smile on his face. "It's in the past now, Heesung," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "I have moved on from that time. Heesung, I honestly didn't expect this. I've moved on from any romantic interest I had in you, I may have had in the past, and I value our friendship a lot. I'm sorry if my actions or behaviour led you to believe otherwise."

Dan's emotions overwhelmed him, and tears rose in his eyes. He understood the depth of Heesung's emotions and the courage it took to express them so honestly.

Heesung's expression shifted from hope to disappointment, but he nodded understandingly. "I understand, Dan," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I misread the signals, and I apologize for any confusion I caused." 

As Heesung and Dan continued their conversation, Heesung mustered the courage to express his thoughts more explicitly. "Dan," he began, his voice filled with sincerity, "there's something I need to say. The reason I said yes when Ella proposed on Valentine's Day in our 11th year of school was because I felt pressured by the expectations and the people surrounding us. I didn't want to make her feel bad by rejecting her on the spot."

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