Ch.9 Stay away

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"Dan? What happened?"

"He came back!"

"Who came back?"



"Why would he come here now? When everything is going so well." Dan whined while hugging Jooha.

"I don't know Baby, but we can't really do anything, can we? You don't need to worry about Heesung anymore, you already moved on and that's all it matters, right?"

Dan nodded his head. Dan was perplexed, the person he wanted right now, he wasn't sure if that person liked him back too.

"I am sure you will find a better man that treats you well."

"I hope so too..."

Jooha smiled warmly at Dan and took his hand. "I'm here for you, always," he said. "Let's go for a walk and clear our minds."

Dan nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. He knew that he still had a lot to process,

They were about to leave when somebody coughed, and interrupted them, forcing them to look up at the person speaking.

Speaking of the devil, Dan thought.

"Can we sit with you guys?"

A few hours back

Jaekyung's POV

I woke up in the morning to find that the spot next to me in bed was empty. I sat up, rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and looked around the room. The sun was starting to peek through the curtains, casting a warm glow over everything.

I was feeling the emptiness next to me. I was so disappointed to see my sweetheart not next to me in bed. As I got out of bed, I realized that I had finally had a good night's sleep after what felt like a long time. I couldn't help but think that it was probably due to Dan.

"Dan?" I called out, wondering where he had gone. There was no answer, and I frowned.

I walked around the penthouse, checking each room. Dan wasn't in the bathroom or the living room. My heart sank as I realized that Dan was gone.

I quickly got dressed and made my way to the kitchen, hoping to find some clue as to where Dan had gone. There was none.

I thought I would make breakfast for him again and take him to the campus in my car. I made myself a light breakfast and sat down eating it quickly and headed out to my car. I drove to the university campus, feeling more energized and focused than I had in weeks. I had one lecture today, which was pretty boring, but I managed to stay focused and take some notes.

After the lesson, I gathered up with my friends Dooshik and Seungho hyung. I felt weird and uneasy because I hadn't seen Dan since yesterday night, did he even come to school?

"Where were you on Sunday?" Seungho asked while we were walking down the hallway. Dooshik was just busy texting someone.

"I was just home."

"Oh really? Oh wait is that a hickey?" Dooshik looked at me curiously.

Dooshik and Seungho Hyung took one look at my neck and immediately noticed the marks. They started teasing me, asking if I had been attacked by a vampire or if I had gone to a wild party the night before.

I touched my neck and smirked at the memories, the little one was freaky.

"It was just a bee sting." I lied.

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