Ch.28 Love 18+

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Sorry guys for the wait, here is the chapter.


As Ella entered the medical room, her presence caught Dan off guard. He looked up, his expression a mix of surprise and apprehension. Jooha and Dan exchanged glances, sensing the tension in the room.

Ella took a deep breath, her voice filled with remorse. "Dan, I need to talk to you. I'm so sorry for what I did. Those photos were fake, and I never meant to hurt you. It was a thoughtless and impulsive act, and I deeply regret it."

Dan stared at Ella, his emotions swirling inside him. Part of him wanted to lash out, to express his pain and anger. But another part recognised the sincerity of Ella's apology. He took a moment to gather his thoughts and then spoke with a mixture of vulnerability and caution.

"Ella, what you did deeply hurt me, especially my Jaekyung." Dan began, his voice tinged with sadness. "I respected you, and those fake photos shattered that respect. It's going to take time for me to process this and understand how we can move forward from here."

Ella's eyes welled up with tears, her voice trembling with genuine remorse. "I understand, Dan. I don't expect you to forgive me right away. I just hope that, with time, I can earn back your trust and repair the damage I've caused."

As Jaekyung entered the room, his expression hardened with determination. His gaze met Ella's, and his voice was firm and resolute.

"Ella, I've listened to your apology, and while I understand that Dan is willing to forgive, I cannot overlook the pain and damage caused by your actions. I've decided to take legal action against you for the harm you've inflicted upon us."

Dan looked at Jaekyung, his shock evident. "Jaekyung, I understand your anger, but let's consider all the options before resorting to legal action. It can be a long and emotionally draining process for everyone involved."

Jaekyung's jaw clenched, his frustration palpable. "Baby, I knew you were going to say this and forgive her, but this goes beyond just us. Ella's actions have affected our personal lives and our reputations. Taking legal action is necessary to hold her accountable and prevent this from happening to someone else."

Jooha stepped forward, his voice calm yet empathetic. "Jaekyung, I understand your perspective, but let's also consider the toll this will take on us. Legal battles can be lengthy and exhausting, and they may further strain our relationships. Is there a way we can seek justice and closure without going through the legal system?"

Dooshik nodded in agreement, his tone measured. "Babe, I get what you mean but let's just let Jaekyung solve this on his own. "

Jaekyung paused, his anger mingling with the weariness in his eyes. He took a deep breath, considering his options. "I don't want this to drag on indefinitely, but I also want to ensure that Ella understands the consequences of her actions. If there's a way to achieve that without the legal process, I'm open to exploring it."

Ella, her voice filled with remorse, interjected. "Jaekyung, I'm truly sorry for what I've done, and I'm willing to accept any consequences you deem appropriate. If there's a chance to make amends through mediation or restorative justice, I'm ready to participate and learn from this experience."

"Well, we will see."

As Jaekyung abruptly interrupted the conversation, his actions left everyone in the room stunned. Without further explanation, he swiftly lifted Dan onto his shoulder, carrying him as though he were a bag of sacks. The bewildered expressions on Jooha's, Dooshik's, and Ella's faces mirrored their confusion and concern.

"Jaekyung, what are you doing?" Jooha exclaimed, rushing to catch up with them as they made their way towards the exit. "We were in the middle of a discussion. What about Dan's medical condition?"

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