Ch.26 Hope

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Jaekyung's desperation to find Dan reached its peak, he turned to Jooha, his voice filled with urgency. "Jooha, do you have any idea where Dan might be right now? I can't bear this uncertainty any longer. I need to see him, to talk to him. Please, tell me."

Jooha's brows furrowed with concern as he met Jaekyung's gaze, understanding the depth of his longing. After a moment of contemplation, he replied, "There's a chance Dan might be working at the bar right now."

"Sweetheart, I will get you back !"


A flicker of hope danced in Jaekyung's eyes as he nodded gratefully. The prospect of finally reuniting with Dan energized him, driving out some of the anxiety and despair that had clouded his thoughts. Without wasting another moment, Jooha and Jaekyung hurriedly made their way out of the cafe, their footsteps echoing with anticipation.

The night air was crisp as they walked briskly through the bustling city streets, their senses heightened with every passing moment. The bar's neon signs and lively music grew nearer, signalling their imminent arrival.

As they entered the bustling establishment, the atmosphere hit them like a wave of energy. The dimly lit space was alive with laughter, clinking glasses, and the mellow strains of music, creating a backdrop for countless stories unfolding within its walls.

Their eyes scanned the crowd, searching for a familiar face. Jaekyung's heart raced, his gaze darting from one corner to another, searching for any sign of Dan's presence. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, the anticipation building with every beat of his heart.

Then, amidst the crowd, Jaekyung caught a glimpse of familiar tousled hair and delicate features that belonged to his beloved Dan. A surge of relief washed over him, and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

"There he is," Jooha whispered, his voice filled with reassurance. "Go to him, Jaekyung. Talk to him, hold him close. I'll be here, supporting you both."

Jaekyung nodded, his gratitude evident in his eyes, before he navigated through the sea of people, his focus solely on Dan. As he approached, the noise of the bar seemed to fade into the background, his entire being consumed by the desire to reunite with his boyfriend.


Days turned into weeks, and Dan purposely distanced himself from Jaekyung, avoiding any form of communication. He would leave college early, hoping to minimize the chances of running into him. The fear of facing Jaekyung and confronting the reality of their situation was too overwhelming for Dan to bear.

The weight of his emotions took a toll on Dan's physical health. His appetite dwindled, and he found himself growing weaker by the day. The stress and heartache were manifesting in his body, leaving him feeling drained and depleted.

Though he had the support of Jooha, Dan felt trapped in a cycle of despair. He yearned for answers, closure, and the strength to face the truth. The fear of losing Jaekyung, combined with the uncertainty of their future, weighed heavily on his fragile heart.

Today was another night shift for Dan at the bar. Despite feeling tired and weak from not eating much, he mustered the strength to go to work.

As he carried out his tasks, he noticed Jaekyung entering the bar with a sad but angry expression, clearly wanting to approach him.

Their eyes met, and in that moment, time stood still. The weight of their separation dissolved as Jaekyung reached out, his arms enveloping Dan in a tight embrace. The familiar scent of Dan as Jaekyung's arms wrapped around Dan, a surge of emotions cascaded through both of them. The warmth of their embrace seemed to melt away the distance that had separated them as if their souls had been yearning for this very moment. They held each other tightly, their bodies pressed together, seeking solace and reassurance in the familiarity of their touch.

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