Ch.19 Themepark Adventures

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Here is a little cute chapter for you all.


"I'm so happy for you, Dan," Jooha exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine joy. "You deserve all the love and happiness in the world."

"So you guys are officially boyfriends?"


Jooha's excitement was contagious as he jumped up and down, unable to contain his joy for Dan. His genuine happiness radiated from him as he exclaimed, "I am so happy for you, Dan! This is wonderful news! You and Jaekyung are officially boyfriends!"

Dan couldn't help but laugh at Jooha's exuberance. He felt his own heart swell with happiness, knowing he had Jooha's unwavering support. "Thank you, Jooha!"

Dan reciprocated the hug, feeling the warmth and sincerity in Jooha's embrace. The bond they shared had always been strong, and moments like these reminded him of the unwavering support he had from his best friend.

Jooha and Dan's friendship had stood the test of time, rooted in the deep bond they had formed since childhood. Dan cherished every moment they had spent together, and his gratitude for Jooha knew no bounds. Throughout their lives, Jooha has been a pillar of strength and unwavering support for Dan, especially during the most challenging times.

When Dan's grandmother passed away, he found himself drowning in grief and sorrow. It felt as though a part of him had been lost forever. But in his pain, Jooha stepped forward, offering solace and comfort like a true brother.

Jooha's presence was a calming force, and his words of compassion were like a balm to Dan's wounded heart. Jooha's empathy and genuine care helped Dan navigate the overwhelming grief, reminding him that he wasn't alone in his sorrow.

As days turned into weeks, Jooha continued to be there for Dan, providing a steady presence and a sense of stability. He took on the role of a brother, ensuring Dan ate well, slept enough, and found moments of respite amidst the storm of emotions. Whether it was through heartfelt conversations or quiet companionship, Jooha showed up for Dan in ways that words could not adequately express.

Dan will forever be grateful for Jooha's unwavering support during that difficult time. It was a testament to the depth of their friendship, an unbreakable bond forged through shared experiences and a mutual understanding of pain and joy.

In the following years, Dan and Jooha's friendship grew stronger. They celebrated each other's triumphs and provided a comforting presence during hardships. They became each other's confidants, always ready to lend an ear or offer a helping hand.

Dan knew that he was lucky to have Jooha in his life, and he made a silent promise to himself to reciprocate the love and support he had received. Their friendship was a gift, a treasure that Dan held close to his heart, knowing that true friends like Jooha were rare and precious.

Jooha then released Dan from the hug, excitement glittering in his eyes. 

"Get ready, bestie! We're going to Everland today! It's going to be an amazing day. It's just you and me, no boyfriends allowed. Today, we reclaim our title as troublemakers!"

Dan couldn't help but chuckle at Jooha's infectious enthusiasm. He appreciated how Jooha always knew how to lighten the mood and bring laughter into their lives. 

"You're right, Jooha. It's been too long since we had some quality time together. I'm excited for our little adventure."

Dan and Jooha arrived at Everland, their excitement was palpable as they entered the bustling theme park. The vibrant atmosphere filled the air, carrying the sounds of laughter and the thrill of adventure. 

Belong to him - Jaekyung/Dan18+Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora