Baby Boy, Prince Hades Axel Crescent

Start from the beginning

"... We are still testing him to ensure no silver or wolfsbane is in his system. When we're done, you'll be able to see him."

"Laura?" My voice came out husky. All I could think about was that my mate would never meet her son.

"In her weakened state, her body shuts down to the only concert on healing itself. So, we connected her to some machines to support her body while it heals. We fear that she will stay in her coma for a long time." I closed my eyes tight, hoping that this was just a dream and that I would wake up any moment now, then find myself in bed with my beloved mate, Laura, beside me. Healthy and awake.

"What can we do?" Sean asked.

"Just hope and pray," she sighed...


Have you ever thought about how you would die?

If you would feel pain or peace?

I first thought I would die. My body was weakened by silver and wolfsbane, and I couldn't shift to heal myself because of my pregnant state. But the fear of losing my baby and the death of my people got me angry. I knew I had to take a risk to save many lives, and that meant risking his life. Please forgive me.


My beloved mate, Nathan. I felt his pain as he fought without giving up, just for his people's safety. I hope he forgives me for risking our son's life. Please.




Suddenly, I heard steady deeps in the darkness but could not see anything.




It's too dark.




There's nothing here. Where were those deeps coming from!?

I slowly felt my eyelids wanting to open, but they were open. Aren't they? That's why it's dark here, or it's just me... Then, I should let my eyes open. As my eyelids slowly opened, I started seeing bright light blurs. "Laura..." I heard a voice, "Laura, please wake up."

My eyes flickered open, trying to see through the blurs. I tilted my head, my eyes cleared up, and my eyes met forest green eyes. "N-Nate," my voice cracked, and my throat was dry and hurting. He smiled warmly, gently squeezed my hand, raised my hand and gave me a long, warm kiss on my wrist, which brought a smile to my face.

I never thought I would Nate again, "h-how—" He cuts me off.

"Here. Drink up," he said, handing me a glass of water. I took a sip, feeling the cold, refreshing water. "You have been in a coma for a week."

My eyes widened, and I placed my free hand on my stomach. My eyes suddenly watered, "t-the baby? Did I —"

"No, no, no," he smiled, widened, and eyes watered like mine. "He's okay."

I released a sob in joy, "where is he?" I glanced around, realising we were the only ones in the room. "I want to see him," I said, glancing back to Nate.

He leaned forward to kiss my forehead, "I'll get him and the doctor. I'm glad you're awake," he said before heading out.

I kept my gaze on the door, waiting for my mate carrying our son in his arms. Once the door opened, I tried to push myself up and saw Nate walking in with one arm, having our son wrapped in a soft baby blue blanket. I couldn't help but smile and extend my arms, wanting to hold my baby. My smile widened as Nate slowly and gently placed him in my arms.

A sob escaped my lips as I saw this strong, healthy, cute baby. He was my baby. I caressed his soft cheeks as I gazed down at him. His cute button nose, chubby cheeks, and small dark hair and as I gazed at him, he slowly flickered his open, and I released he had a mixture of forest green and shade of grey eyes. "He's beautiful," I mumbled.

"Indeed, he is," I heard Nate mutter. There was a moment of silence, "he needs a name." He said, breaking the silence.

I glanced up, "you didn't name?"

He nodded, "I needed your opinion and see what you like to name him."

I gazed back down at our son, and a name came to mind, "Hades." I muttered, caressing him again.


I nodded, "because he was strong enough to live through war and chaos."

"I love it... Hades, Axel Crescent."

"Axel?" I glanced up with a grin.

He leaned forward, kissed my forehead and caressed Hades' forehead. "It was my grandfather's name, and he was like a role model to me."

"Prince Hades Axel Crescent, welcome to the world."

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