Chapter 6

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The video of "Happy Player" only started in the afternoon, and Fang Yuan had another talk show to record in the morning, so he came to the TV station very early.

What he didn't expect was that the new guy who had been greeted by him also came so early.

It is said that the early birds have worms to eat, and any senior will not like the lazy newcomer. Fang Yuan nodded secretly, no wonder the old guard would fancy this child.

Yu Siyang did not realize that he was unfamiliar with the video and came to observe it in advance. He actually felt Fang Yuan's favorability, but also frightened because Fang Yuan was dissatisfied with his bald image.

Fang Yuan motioned Yu Siyang to sit down and give him a copy of the "Happy Player" program book, and roughly talked about the program process, "Don't be nervous, just follow the process."

"Thank you, Mr. Fang, it's really troublesome for you." Fang Yuan had been to the Jade Hotel for dinner before, and Yu Siyang had seen him from afar. At that time, he only felt that the big star was out of the picture. Let Yu Siyang be somewhat flattered.

"I'm going to record. Are you interested in seeing it?" Fang Yuan invited.

Yu Siyang nodded strongly, and Le Biandian followed Fang Yuan's team and walked to the second recording hall. He came here so early to find a chance to see if he could go to the live to see how the TV program was recorded, and when he was on the line, he had the bottom of his heart.

Luo Peng followed Yu Siyang to the second recording hall, placed him in the auditorium, and asked him to call him after the recording of the show. He first went to the director of "Happy Player" to cover it.

Yu Siyang nodded obediently, indicating that he would not run around.

Fangyuan's conversation section catalogue lasted more than two hours, and by the end of the day it was almost noon.

Yu Siyang did not answer Luo Peng's phone. He hesitated to look at the door of the video studio. This place was unfamiliar with life, and he did not dare to run around. He could only follow Wen Zengzhen to get the lunch.

"Where's Luo? Why don't you come to dinner." Wen Zengzhen handed him a small box of fruit.

"Luo Ge said to go to Director Liang, but he never came back and didn't answer the phone." Yu Siyang pulled a chair and came over to Wen Zengzhen.

Wen Zengzhen froze his face happily. "Oh, my little brother is so good."

Yu Siyang blushed and shaved his head, and was almost buried in the lunch box.

After eating lunch, Fang Yuan had to catch the "Happy Player" recording in the afternoon. Yu Siyang also went to the public dressing room to get his makeup done. Following Fang Yuan, he listened to the details of the video that he communicated with the on-site director, planner, field manager and others.

When the other two hosts and guests arrived, the on-site director arranged for everyone to go through the program process and modify the Taiwanese version on the spot where it was inappropriate.

Yu Siyang was also arranged to learn a simple dance with a dancer with another male guest.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, the audience took the seat and the program officially started recording.

"Welcome everyone on Saturday night to watch the happy player broadcast by the exclusive title of the translucent water mask on time. I am Fang Yuan." After the opening performance, Fang Yuan held No. 1 Mai standing in the middle of the stage, and Yun Jiao stood beside him. Jiao and Zhong Da say hello to the audience.

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