Chapter Seven: Chocolate disaster

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"I want to make cookies!!!" Lily said with full excitement in her voice, as she jumps up and down.

And her toothy grin, showing her cute little dimple on her left cheek

Every time I babysit this girl she get cuter and cuter!.

"Okay, okay, what kind of cookies do you like?" I ask her with a genuine smile on my face.

"CHOCO CHIPSSS!!!" She said in like a hungry monster voice, cuteness overload.

"Okay let's start making you chocolate chip cookies"

"Choco chipss" she corrected me with a cute pout on her face.

I laugh, crouthing so im at her eye level and lightly bounce my finger on her nose. "Alright let's go make your 'choco chipss"

She smiled and giggled, I took her hand and stood up, I carried her and place her down at the counter, I get the bowls that we'll need for mixing.

Spoons, sugar, vanilla, her choco chipss, blah, blah, blah.

Once all the ingredients are gathered, I start making the cookie dough, while Lily picks a cookie cutter shape, stroking her chin with her fingers, she's so adorable.

We're both wearing our aprons and Lily has a little cheffs hat on her head, while my hair is tied up into a loose ponytail.

"I found the perfwect shape!" Lily clapped her hand while she finally picked her shape.

She showed me the cookie shape she wants to use and its a heart shaped one.

One is red, one is pink and the other is white.

Im dont making the dough all I have to do now is add the chocolate chips on the dough and we're ready for baking.

I grab the chocolate chips bag, and put in a good amount of it in the mixing bowl.

As i'm adding the chocolate chips, I hear Lily giggle, and I smile at the amazing sound of that.

I've always wanted to have a daughter or even a little sister, but I don't really intend to have a husband or a boyfriend, not like anyone would want me.

I shake those thoughts away and I turn around to have Lily use the heart shaped-cutter, but Lily isn't there.

"Oh no!" I shouted at myself, Lily's gone! She was just here a second ago!.

I frantically run to where she was sitting a second ago and I start panicking.

I hear a high-pitch creaking from the wooden floor, I turn around to see nothing.

Is there a ghost in this freaking house?!?!.

It has to be, an they must have taken Lily!.

On instinct I turn to the nearest weapon I could find, and a frying pan.

"Will this even work on a ghost" I say, and gulped loudly my hands shaking in fear.

Just then I hear some footsteps and I screamed. I turn to where the sound was coming from and was met by....flour?.

"What the hell"

I turn to see who threw the flour at my face, just to see Archer.

This motherfucker. Yep you heard it right, I swore a real and mean bad word.

He roars with laughter while Lily watches giggling. Archer clutches his stomach propably with all the laughing.

"Fuck-that-reaction" He continues to laugh. "Was priceless" he finished and looked back at me, and started laughing hystericaly as if just a look at me replays the whole prank.

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