Chapter Six: Great Entrance Asshole

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"Why are you here again?" I snap at the asshole sitting next to me in the cafeteria 'again!.

"Because it's pissing you off and that's the only entertainmemt that I get in this boring school nerd". He retorted with his fake sweet smile.

What a douche.

"Go to hell" I muttered, I feel tired with all the homework I need to finish, and four or five activities? That I need to take for extra credit.

Avery sighs, as Danny keeps pestering her, these two numbskulls won't stop bothering us.

It's freaking annoying!.

After I finish eating, I got up from my seat, Archer turned his head to me, staring at me, then at my tray, and back to me again.

He narrowed his emerald eyes at me, and stared with a blank look.

"That's it?" He said with one of his slender eyebrow raised in confusion.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "That's all your gonna eat? Just a small sandwich and an apple?" He asked disbelief visible on his face.

I sigh heavily. "I don't feel like eating right now" I say to him.

"You say that everytime your stressed" Avery cutted in our conversation, gaining Danny's attention to me.

"Is something bothering you Bella?" Danny asked with worry, I just smiled and shook my head saying no.

Danny and I have gotten closer over the few days they have sat with us at lunch time, I found out he has the same birthday as Avery.

"Well, if you excuse me i'll be in the library studying for my quiz" I say to all of them and Avery smiled at me and blowed a kiss at my direction, and I caught it.

She giggled, and waved, my eyes avert to Danny who's staring at Avery, his eyes hold's adoration in them.

One thing that I understand about Danny is that he cares so much for Avery, even though he annoys her.

Archer kept his eyes at me with a blank look, and did his weird eye-talking telepathy thing with Danny, and Danny started laughing, to which Archer elbowed his stomach, earning a satisfying 'ow from Danny.

Making him smirk. Once I got out of the cafeteria I went straight to the library, to study for the quiz.

"Bella" I hear someone whisper my name, im too tired to talk let me sleep.

"Bella" I hear them whisper again shaking me abit, this time a bit louder, but i still ignore it.

"BELLA!" They shout and start shaking me, and I woke up.

"What!?" I raise my head to look at Avery who woke me up. "You fucking slept at the fucking library" She exclaimed at me.

My eyes widened at her statement. "How long did I sleep?" I asked her, she sighed. "For about an hour and a half"

What the heck!?.

That means I'm late for class!.

"Oh no!" I quickly gather my things from the table and put them in my bag and try to fix my messy hair, just as I was about to grab a book, Avery took my wrist.

I looked at her, her eyes filled with worry, and a frown touching her lips. "Bella, are you really okay?"

"Well, I won't be okay if I get detention for being late, and talk about me when I don't have any problems" I say trying to get out of this conversation.

She sighed deeply and let go of my wrist, but sent me a look that says 'im not done yet"

I nodded at her and sprinted out of the library to get to my next class, once i see the door to my class I ran straight through it and opened the door.

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