A New Adventure Begins

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As the Broppy do their conversion again.

Branch: Okay, what are you doing?

Poppy: This is your second chance with your brothers, Branch.

Branch: It's not that easy, okay?
You don't get it. You don't have any siblings.
That's my point.

Poppy: Branch, you are so lucky to have a brother to fight for. I mean, if I had a sister... (gasps)
...it would be so perfect. We'd be best friends and we'd teach each other things. We'd never fight, we'd have each other's backs. We wouldn't talk 'cause we'd think the same thoughts.
Everyone would ask us if we're twins,
and we'd be like, "Well, not technically"

Branch: (Shout to stop this) POPPY!!! (And continues on) But... if she were ever in trouble,
I would do everything I could to help her.
I would show up. (Sigh) Okay, listen.
If there was a brother that I might do this for,
and I'm not saying there is, it would be Floyd. Since we save the world twice, It mean we're gonna to this adventure, one more time. Which mean, I joining with the leader of the BroZone, and... we got this together.

Poppy: (As she is thrilled to do it again) Ahh, thanks bestie! I'm not hearing "no."

JD: Works for me.

Poppy: Yeah! BroZone 2.O. Or
BroZone reunion. BroZone, here we bro again.
BroZone, where'd they bro?

Branch: (To the leader brother) First off, JD I don't how we're gonna find them.

John Dory: Don't worry, I got it all work out bro.

JD Whistle, and out from the ground came a bug critter RV dog like thing.

Branch: Whoa!

JD: Hey, looks like our ride's here.
Here she is!

As the Critter burp on Branch and Poppy's face with glitter.

Gristle: Ooh. That's coming out of the deposit.

JD: Meet Rhonda, y'all. Ain't she a beaut?

Branch: She's, uh, really something.

Poppy: Um, I guess she likes me?

JD: Yeah, she does.
Or she's marking you as prey.
Can never quite tell with Rhonda. (Chuckles)

Barb: So guys, if you going on this next adventure, is that mean our concert is canceled.

Poppy: (Answered) I believe so Barb. But maybe another time.

Hard Rock Trolls: Ahhhhhh!

Country Trolls: Ahhhhhh!

Holly Darlin: Well, dangling doodle! We could have done the rodeo style. With great rodeo clowns.

Branch: (Whispers to Himself) But there will be.

Bridget: Uh, guys? If you don't mind,

Gristle: I really cannot wait another minute
to marry this gorgeous specimen. (Kiss on the cheek)

Bridget: So can we please finish it, by skipping the I do's parts?

Poppy: (Answered) Yes, if you may. Just completed!

Miss Maxine: (Clears throat)
I now pronounce you husband and wife. And the official King and Queen of Bergen Town.
Hugs and Kisses.

Bridget and Gristle got married and they were king and queen at last, as they kiss together on the floor. As the crowd cheers, Then Tiny Diamond, has something else to do, as he sneak away. Then Branch will know that his future will be ready for him. As two of the Trolls Poppy and JD were ready to get inside Rhonda. While Branch stay as he hold his wedding ring to himself.

Branch: Well one down. And... (And notices it will be Him and Poppy this time) (Chuckles a little) Well... one down.

Poppy: (Offscreen) Branch, come on we got brothers to reunite!

As Branch Enter in with Rhonda.

JD: Okay, all aboard who's going aboard.

Poppy: (As she say goodbye to all the Trolls and Bergens) Bye, everybody. We're getting the band back together.

Trolls and Bergens: Bye, Queen Poppy.
Bye, Branch.

Aunt Smead: Have fun, you crazy kids.

Poppy: Have an awesome honeymoon, Bridget. And your gonna a fine Queen with a Husband.

Bridget: Thanks, Poppy.

As the RV Critter Left, everyone kept shouting to their Troll Queen, saying "I love you guys.", "Peace out, Poppy." ,"See you later, Poppy.", until Guy Diamond notice something.

Guy Diamond: (To his Pop Group) Hey a... Does anybody seen, Tiny Diamond around here?

But then Bridget, forgot something too.

Bridget: Oh, Poppy wait! I forgot to give you this bouquet. It's tradition for the bride to toss the bouquet to the maid of honor, Or other bride maids, that wants to be marry to the luckiest man that she see.

But it was too late, there were gone, and the ceremony was over.

Gristle: Well, we're king and queen now! So let's make up, and raise fat kids!

Bridget: But, I have to give this bouquet to Poppy. If she catches, she'll never know who she's going to married.

Gristle: Well, it's best that you just leave it alone, and it let it go. Cause she doesn't need a bouquet, to go make field.

Bridget: (As she felt so sad) Yeah, you're right. (Then thought of an idea) But, maybe not.

Gristle: Uh?

Bridget: I have a great idea, that we can both have our honeymoon, and to find Poppy if she in the other places. If she find Branch's other brothers.
Would you agreed?

Gristle: Uh, yeah. Why?

Bridget: Cause I'm ready to do this. (As he grab her husband and left) Come on, operation honeymoon and finding your best friend to give her the bouquet, is about to begin!

Then in the next scene, Guy Diamond receive a note from his son, knowing that, he's gone. As he read and the voice of Tiny Diamond appear.

Tiny Diamond's Voice and Note:
"Dear Daddy,
I decided I needed to become,
A big man! Cause I'm tired of
Being a little baby. Cause now,
I'm off to see the world,
Helping the friends out,
And even get in love,
With another babe like me.
So... c'est la vie,
Et Au revoir!
Tiny Diamond."

Guy Diamond look scared and panic, even the Pop Friends, DJ Suki, Biggie, Dinkles, The Cooper Twins, and the Fashion Twinss didn't know what's going on.

DJ Suki: (To the scared father) Uh, Guy Diamond? What's wrong?

Guy Diamond: (As he answered, and being so scared, and sad, and so stressed out) Tiny... Diamond... is... is... Is running away from me! (He screams in a autotune knowing his son is gone, in a dramatic mood) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

As we zoom in to his mouth for the next scene.

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