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Not till morning does Second bring food. I try to ignore him. He cooks on the fire, then starts to eat, back turned to me. A long time passes. I'm trying to think what to do until, at last, I can't stand it. "May I have some?"

"You don't even know what it is."

"Doesn't matter — not real."

Second does not turn around, but says, "Things are only real when you need them to be?"

I think about this. "Maybe."

"The rest of the time we're just dreams? Convenient for you."

The fire spits. I don't say anything, but continue to drool.

I see him glance over his shoulder. "Why don't you dream your way back where you came from however you want to? Easier for me. Better not real." He looks me up and down. "I'd have less to carry, and much less to feed."

I crawl toward the front of the cavern. I reach out, testing how hot fire might be in a dream. I'm hoping to grab a chunk of sizzling gristle, hanging from a small bone, when the creature next speaks, "May I pose something to you?"

I shrink back, unsure what to do—back off or grab quickly. He hasn't turned yet, but I know he is waiting, so I snark, "I guess you aren't going to stop."

"Might I point out you can only be as real as I am?"

"Seems you prefer me not here," I say. I clench my teeth.

"Perhaps you don't need any food," he says.

I want to give in, just for the smell, but I feel my mouth about to speak of its own desires for even a morsel, and then... "Nope! I've decided you're absolutely not here!"

Second puts out the fire, with a bare foot, stomping and smooshing the flames. Burning-hair smell is filling the cave.

"What are you doing?!" I panic.

Second eventually stops. Small wafts of smoke rise from the ashes. He heads to the opening.

I yell at him now: "What are you doing?"

"Maybe I'm hiding...an invisible ghost. You'll like that lots better."

"No! Don't go! Please, can you stay?"

"And could I be real?"

"You can be as real as you want to."

There's silence a time, and then I ask, "How would I know if you're real?"

"I don't know... I guess if you don't lose any weight... I might be real."

Time passes.

I haven't lost weight.

I'd never be sure, though. It's always been... this!

Second and I brave the cold nights together.

I hate lying with him for warmth. He stinks like worms and old wood. But we do what we have to.

Sometimes he asks me why I want to survive. I give him mundane, run-of-the-mill answers at first, but he only asks me the question again, again, again, until I snap. Longest dream, or even vision, I've ever had!

"I survive for my family!" My stomach contracts as I say this, as if I am vomiting instead of speaking. "I wanna find them! I wanna make my mark! I wanna show the world that Cornelius Custer can protect those he loves and make a path to—"

"Oh hush." Second waxes on. "Ever consider that maybe the world doesn't care about your goals or dreams?"

"It never does, but we MAKE it care."

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