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The tree growing from Brolan is now nearly two feet tall. I found remnants, before, near Brolan's grave, of the seed pack I once picked up for Angie—never gave it to her. The tree I call, "Brolan."

In the dark, I lie on my side and try to make some notes by Brolan's flashlight. I write, "To Angie and kids, I don't have much left, but I will come to find you..."

...When I get out...

But then, I notice I am sleeping—probably...it's dark. I'm too groggy to care that the pen digs into my side.

Next morning, I plan poking between some rocks to explore the opposite direction and it's still early. I note the rag has soaked up some water, and I squeeze it out in my mouth, while my mouse dashes from the hole it lives in.

Should grab it! I snatch the plastic bag from Brush Man. But I drink a mouthful of water, then spend—I think—a whole hour at least plotting what to do with a mouse.

I likely need moisture. I'll drink all I can. And I cut off more pieces of pant legs. I wobble around with the bag and the cloth strips, trying to stuff all the good holes I can find and to trap the odd quail and mice babies. To eat!

Okay. We'll leave this unspoken.

* * *

Weeks? Months? The tree's now reaching three feet. I must not weigh much. "I'll bet I look ugly," I say. No real sound comes out any longer. I'm kind of thinking, Sorry, Ange. I'm glad you can't see me. Back to you shortly.

The moon has come up, this time for a few moments over the canyon. I can't sleep. I get up and go to see what it looks like in moonlight.

Shadows everywhere, contrasting with spots, the moon strikes, causing fragments of rock and silica on high canyon walls to sparkle, blinking... They're winking.

It's people!

I have to start yelling, and it takes me a while to find any voice, but after a few really sparse, dry yells, nothing is answered... I realize it's not going to work.

It might be people or lights... I start running towards them, in case, but then get close... I realize it's only rocks...and as the moon moves over, and shadows deepen...I've got only moments...I'll be in the dark!

I race, hobble back...as the shadows chase me to my shelter before complete black hits and... Nope. I am lost...stuck here till morning. The moon disappears at the last moment.

In the darkness, now, as if it's for comfort, I hear the heart of God...a faint motor, and...this time, I see lights from a small plane flying the length of the canyon—high up.

I scramble...madly, smacking the torchlight. Erratic, it blinks.

Search...quick...something reflective... The mirror from the truck. That's in my pocket—I can flash that!

But after desperate moments...this fails...
Plane's too far off.

Even now, though, I watch it. Eventually it hums long out of sight.

In my despair, I chase it. By brief light of a battery I should not use, I then stagger back. I'll see this in the morning — a long, bloody trail.

I sit in my camp, bandaging myself using salt water from tears to sterilize cuts—torn strips of Brolan's clothing I've taken off him long ago.

I feel sorry for me!

When...all of a sudden...it starts to rain!

Mouth open, I'm choking. It storms so hard I grab my mini sun shelter roof upside down to store any water I can.

I race to fill the few things that I have, gulp down what I am able, laughing my head off, and then dump the water...hold the roof close over my head—umbrella!

I'm still trying to get my body under that, when...

In the flashes of lightning, I make out a curious overhang on the opposite side of the crevasse, higher up!

I hadn't noticed before! I'll look in the morning.

* * *

I explore when the waters recede. They've accumulated and rushed down the centre of the crevasse. "When it rains, it pours" has new meaning.
I wade my way across the torrent.

"No way!"

I climb.

Old beams from somebody's hut! They are long ago broken. They've been here ages, blending with rocks.

I can't get closer to them the way I have come, so I take a quick detour and wade back across, climbing the opposite side instead, for a better view of the overhang.

"Woah—no—can't be..." I remember my visions.

And it is!

Under the outcropping is a bit of a cave!


A cave? Anyone remember a cave?

What could be in it...?

(Now, here it gets fun... 😇 👀) 👋

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